Monday, September 30, 2019

Sylvia Plath’s Poetry Is Dark and Disturbing

From studying the unique poetry of Plath, I found it intense, deeply personal and somewhat disturbing as she wrote about the horrors of depression with ruthless honesty. Her poetry is personal in that she talks about a taboo subject that wasn't acknowledged during her lifetime and in a way it made her poems brilliantly intense. This can be seen most clearly in ‘Child’, ‘Elm’, ‘Poppies in July’ and also ‘Mirror’. ‘Elm’s’ tone is insanely intense, dark and plain miserable and this makes the reader feel immensely disturbed.It is clear from reading Plath’s work that she was in a dark hole, willing to escape. ‘Elm’ finished with the disturbing line â€Å"That kill, that kill, that kill†. We can see through her callous honesty and the unsettling atmosphere that she is tormented when she says â€Å"Till your head is a stone, your pillow a little turf†. Here, she is using an image of a g rave and this sense of mortality is extremely personal, many poets wouldn't write about such agitated thoughts. Her startling honesty is seen when she says â€Å"I am terrified by this dark thing†.Plath is afraid, she is desperate and she is reaching out to her readers, begging for help. Her use of words in ‘Elm’ is also interesting. â€Å"Faults† could be emotional and/or physical and this shows the psychological states explored throughout Sylvia Plath’s work. â€Å"Malignity† symbolizes evil and the intensity of how disturbed her life was. Another poem that describes the intense and disturbing life of Plath in a deeply disturbing and personal way is ‘Poppies in July’.This poem was written just after the break-up of the marriage to the love of her life Ted Hughes. In the unsettled atmosphere, it is evident that Plath is permeated with heartbreak and depression. Her anger is displayed through the disturbing use of the colour red, also symbolising danger. Poppies are usually a magnificent image of happiness and nature, but in Plath’s poem we can see through her dubious and appalling honesty that even the nice things in life are making her angry and upset, she can get no happiness from anything anymore. Colourless†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ I feel an intense sadness for Plath as I read this poem because what she is aching for is help a human hand. She is looking for escape, oblivion, relief or neutrality, she can see no life worth living anymore and this makes ‘Poppies in July’ even more disturbing. Plath’s eccentric, queer and haunting writing is also seen in ‘Child’. This poem is very personal and although it is primarily a happy poem about her child there is an intense underlying sadness and emptiness. This poem is not angry, just negative, heartbreaking and regretful. Should† (the full quote would be better here) implies she wishes she was able to give her children somethi ng better, she is disturbingly sorry for not being able to give them everything they want and need. In this personal poem it is evident she loves her child very much and this is what makes it even more haunting and disturbing because she is so unstable and in a state of self-destruction â€Å"Your eye is the one absolutely beautiful thing†. We saw such anguish and hopelessness at the end of ‘Child’ when she says â€Å"This dark ceiling without a star†.I personally found this heartbreaking as it is so obvious how much she loves her child, but she knows that she is nearing the end; she can’t see any light in her life even though as a reader it is obvious that the light could have been her children. Therefore, I found ‘Child’ a disturbing and intense poem to study. Another poem by Plath that I found to be personal on an intense and disturbing way was ‘Mirror’. It is clear as Plath looks into the mirror that she is unhappy, wat ching her age. A mirror never lies, but Plath cannot find solace in what she sees.She fears herself as she sees her past and youth before her. â€Å"In me she has drowned a young girl, and in me an old woman rises towards her day after day, like a terrible fish. † Plath also called candles and the moon, both symbols of love and light. â€Å"Liars†: they both cast a shadow. This disturbing, empty thought clearly shows her tormented mind and that love is futile. The final poem I am going to discuss that shows Plath’s emptiness is ‘Finisterre’. Again, it is unsettling, negative and quite violent and shows her tormented state.I found this poem quite haunting and it shows the disturbing and intense time Plath was going through. â€Å"Whitened by the faces of the drowned†. The sea is also associated with death by Plath. â€Å"Souls rolled in the doom-noise of the sea†. Here, she is disconnected from the world, she also shows her disgust to o rganised religion when she says the Holy statue is ignoring the prayers of the people at her feet. With her callous honesty we can see that Plath can’t even find hope or rest in a God, she is well and truly alone. In conclusion, I found the poetry of Sylvia Plath to be intense, disturbing and personal.I enjoyed her poetry as everybody has off days so her poems are easy to relate to in the sense that everyone feels empty and unknown sadness’s now and again. Knowing about her sad death really cements these feelings in the poems as we can see that unfortunately she gave up, she never found the hope or person she as looking for to save her from her tormented mind. Therefore, with her ruthless verity, it is obvious that Plath’s personal poems project her life in an intense and disturbing way because in the end, this magnificent, poignant poet could see nothing to live for.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

China: The Advantages And Disadvantages of International Trade Essay

International trade has always been an attractive idea for merchants and businessman since time immemorial. There is always an opportunity to sell more, make more profits, increase the market share, remove seasonality fluctuations of demand and supply, increase in productivity, and of course a business or even a country learns a lot on the product development technologies and strategies from doing business with other countries or regions. Trade also leads to higher GDP, better and more choices of products for consumers, increase in competition in domestic market leads to competitive prices which is good for consumers, competition also leads to better quality in goods and services, and reduces unemployment and poverty. Thus, this leads to growth and maturing of a countries economy as a whole and also the businesses involved. Trade also leads to some problems that are not that obvious at the onset of trade. Even though trade tends to increase employment in one nation it may lead to job cuts in another. As businesses shift manufacturing for instance from richer nations to third world or developing nations, they take advantage of the cheap labor, weaker labor policies, weaker environmental policies, and support of the governments in these countries. They are able to recruit more and thus produce more for less. But this leads to job cuts in the parent rich nations. Trade also leads to job cuts in the developing and third world countries due to competition with multinationals from developed nations and also due to exposure to automation and modernization. Many businesses cannot put up with high productivity and competitive pricing of stronger businesses from richer nations and thus finally may lead to closing down of weaker businesses and unemployment in the face of competition. But we also have to realize that employment also increases through the new businesses from the richer nations. Overall there is a potential increase in employment. There is a problem of increasing income inequalities in China. As the business houses tend to take advantage of weaker policies in labor and environment, there will be environmental pollution leading to health and environmental complications; further labor discrimination leading to weaker social well-being. Businesses particularly also need to realize that protection of Intellectual property rights may not be recognized or understood or at least weak in some of the nations thus, leading to piracy, copyright violations, patents violations, product copies etc. This may well erode the competitive advantage, and the brand image of businesses. The above comments on international trade can be closely associated with the international trade involving China. China has become the manufacturing hub of the world. Substantial part of the economy of China depends on international trade. The advantages it gives for other countries to setup manufacturing plants in China is its strong government support for FDIs, Infrastructure development, cheap labor, weak environment and labor laws, new strong market reach which includes China, India, Japan, Russia, Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia etc, access to cheap Chinese supplier base, thus larger sales and profits, seasonality of product supply and demand can be managed (one can always sell the product in China and the markets close to it if the demand is lower in North America or Europe). US has profited considerably through trade with China. Sales of products from US have grown in popularity in China boosting US multinationals (Expanded trade with China has, in fact, been a b lessing for large U.S. multinationals like Boeing, Caterpillar, and Cargill, which had trumpeted the prospect of a massive Chinese market for American products and services. China is the world’s fastest growing market for commercial aviation, and needs billions of dollars worth of airplanes from Boeing. Its growing infrastructure has been a boon for companies like Caterpillar, which produces tractors and other heavy equipment. And it is importing billions of dollars worth of farm products, a boon to companies like Cargill. Last year, China bought $2.9 billion worth of soybeans — the top U.S. export crop to China. China also has proven to be a growing market for U.S.-made fertilizer and chemicals.). China’s benefits were as follows: its economy has been growing at a very rapid rate (for instance, China’s economy grew at an average rate of 10% per year during the period 1990-2004, the highest growth rate in the world.), the resulting increase in business activity drastically reduced poverty (China has been credited for greatly lowering the percentage of East Asian population living in poverty in a recent World Bank report â€⠀œ from 80% to 18% in a span of 20 years), created employment (Foreign investment remains a strong element in China’s rapid expansion in world trade and has been an important factor in the growth of urban jobs.), saw a large growth in cities (population: 30% urban in 1950, estimated 60% urban in 2030, 19 mega-cities > 10 million, 22 cities with 5 with 10 million, 370 cities with 1 to 5 million, 440 cities with 0.5 to 1 million), increased the technology and business exposure of domestic firms and the countries technological expertise (China has acquired some highly sophisticated production facilities through trade and also has built a number of advanced engineering plants capable of manufacturing an increasing range of sophisticated equipment, including nuclear weapons and satellites.); Making the firms and the country more competitive, increased the variety of products available to the consumers, domestic manufacturers matured and increased competition in local market (e.g. Shanghai motors), prices became competitive, Chinese suppliers matured enough to support the big multinationals (e.g. Toyota, GM) in Japan and China, trade has helped Chinese government earn huge revenues due to trade that helps to increase investment in public welfare and social infrastructure, thus increasing the overall well being of China, China is also exporting and importing to and from many countries respectively thus, it is able to manage seasonality in the supply and demand of the products involved by diverting exports (Cheap Chinese goods export to South Asian, and South East Asian markets) and switching sources of imports (Crude oil from African (e.g. Chad and Darfur), South America (e.g. Venezuela) and Middle-east (e.g. Iran) countries) as and when required, in the process China is a lso able to reduce dependence on any single country. Chinese exports is around $1216 billion (2007) to countries as US 21.0%, EU 18.1%, Hong Kong 17.0%, Japan 12.4%, ASEAN 7.2%, South Korea 4.7% (2004) while its imports is around $953.9 billion (2007) from Japan 16.8%, EU 12.4%, ASEAN 11.2%, South Korea 11.1%, US 7.9%, Russia 2.2% (2004). However, in spite of the many positives of international trade there have been less obvious problems in the form of labor discrimination (86 percent said discrimination exists in China’s employment market; 51 percent see the discrimination as serious. ; China’s employee market is woefully inefficient and small foreign companies are very well positioned to take advantage of this., even multinationals like Reebok have been found guilty of labor discrimination and of taking unfair advantage of weak labor policies. Even local firms are taking such advantages), environmental problems (State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) announced that 130 foreign companies did not comply with current environmental laws. In fact, many multinationals see weak environmental laws as a means for cost reduction and therefore maintain different environmental standards in China than in their home countries. Multinationals can pollute more in China mainly because of an incomplete regulation system and loose supervision with few penalties that lead to a low incentive for keeping to the environmental law.), and legal problems for firms in the areas of protection of Intellectual Property Rights in China (There is little awareness that infringement is a crime in China. Growth of new businesses has outpaced the government’s ability to regulate them). Trade has fired competition which in turn has pushed many of the multinationals and domestic firms to take advantage of limited media rights, weak labor policies and implementation, and weak environmental policies and implementation (90 multinationals that have been found by the environmental protection authorities to have violated water pollution regulations since 2004, Forbes reports. General Motors, Samsung, Unilever, Pepsi and Yum Brands chains Kentucky Fried Chicken and Pizza Hut are just a few of the companies on the list, according to the article.). Both the US and China has suffered job cuts. China is losing millions of manufacturing jobs due to automation and the adoption of new business systems and production techniques, according to The Conference Board in New York. Between 1995 and 2002, 15 million manufacturing jobs were lost in China, or about 15 percent of the total manufacturing workforce, The Conference Board found after working with China’s National Bureau of Statistics. Manufacturing employment in China fell from 98 million in 1995 to 83 million in 2002. By comparison, the United States now has 14.5 million workers in the manufacturing sector, about 3 million less than in 1999. Trade does have enormous benefits but not without some corrections required and some inevitable losses in the form of job cuts. The job cuts can be corrected though with appropriate training of the unemployed to take up jobs requiring higher skills. Countries belonging to the OECD have attempted methods and policies to reduce the unemployment created through the effect of trade. Denmark for instance cut its unemployment from about 10 percent in the early 1990s to less than 5 percent now. The main ingredient for the Danish success is a system called â€Å"flexicurity,† a set of liberal policies for hiring and firing, allowing relatively frictionless adjustment to shocks caused by international trade. A generous system of carefully monitored unemployment benefits and funding for retraining displaced workers complement Denmark’s labor-market flexibility. Governments have a range of policies to expand trade while minimizing the loss of jobs. However, a complete solution to the losses from trade is inconclusive and like always not fully repairable.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Pyschology of Everday Life . 2000 word portfolio consisting of the Essay

The Pyschology of Everday Life . 2000 word portfolio consisting of the following Assesment 1 - Applying psychology to ever - Essay Example In today’s material and media driven society, it has become important to have a fit and shapely body if one is to enjoy a healthy self image. Hence, currently the goal of my life is to reduce weight and to achieve a desired shape with the help of exercise and healthy diet. However, it is not as easy as it seems. After referring to different studies in the field of psychology, ayurveda and spirituality, I realized that being overweight is not just a physical problem. The tendency of overeating and accumulating fats lies in the psychological and emotional make up of a person. This means that if one has to achieve a perfect weight and a shapely body, then one has to change not only the eating habits but also the psychological aspects of the personality. Hence, to become a happier person in life, what is more important than reducing weight is to gain a healthy self image, emotional clarity and peaceful relationship with ‘self’, because one can achieve happiness only w hen one is at peace with the ‘self.’ The Root Of Problem Happiness is the most important aspect of a fulfilling life. People feel worthy and content only when they are happy with themselves. Sadly, instead of attaching happiness with the internal feelings and personality, it is related to appreciation, social success and social acceptance. Hence, people become happy only when they get appreciated and accepted by people around them. However, this leads to a major problem as it makes people depend on others for their happiness. Instead of doing things that make them happy, people start following the goals and ‘living standards’ that are set by others for them. This leads to misery and self destructive behavior pattern (Chopra, 1994, p. 42). Genuine physical beauty and emotional happiness can be achieved only when a person practices self-acceptance (Chopra, 1994, p. 42). However, self-acceptance does not come easily. The idea of ‘perfect life’ and ‘perfect body’ is shaped by the television and print media and not on the basis of self knowledge. However, it is necessary to understand that every human being is unique and hence, has a unique body and mind system (Chopra, 1994, p. 18). If a person tries to copy other people’s weight pattern or food habits, then he becomes vulnerable to losing his individuality and health. Hence, the healthier way to reduce weight is to understand the root cause of the problem and try to treat it rather than trying to reduce the weight only through exercise and diet. However, to analyze and understand the root of the problem, it is necessary to look at the problem through the psychological perspective. The problem of me being overweight is not a recent one. I have observed that this is an intermittent problem since my childhood. I have never been an obese child. However, I do have a tendency to gain weight when I go through stressful situations in life. This might be because I also tend to eat when I am tense or feel emotionally closed. This shows that it is my emotional pattern that makes me to eat unhealthy food and become overweight as I am not able to control binging on fast food. Hence, my problem is emotional based and not body based (Chopra, 2004, p.103). It has been found that for people who are emotionally dissatisfied and unhappy, ‘food’ becomes a source of satisfaction and happiness (Chopra, 2004, p.103). The habit of binging and overeating comes from the feeling of emptiness in the

Friday, September 27, 2019

Healthcare Financial Reform Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Healthcare Financial Reform - Research Paper Example Health care planning and reforms is not revolution but evolutional. Healthcare financial system should be reformed to ensure effective operation of the system. Health coverage should be available to each person even people with low income. The government alone can not provide enough funds for healthcare systems. For effective operation, healthcare systems need financial assistance from other organizations. The existing financial operations are not adequate, and that is why reform is needed. Taxation According to Karl (2010), one of the areas which need reforms is taxation. The current trend in taxation of healthcare services does not promote effectiveness of the operations. Many countries collect an enormous sum of money in taxation of healthcare workers, healthcare insurance and health facilities. The funds collected as tax can source other services in the healthcare systems. Many companies pay wages to their employees, but they do not pay insurance taxes. The employees take care of the insurance taxes which reduce income. The government does not spend the taxed amount in facilitating health services. Many states charge a huge sum of money as a form of tax to individuals establishing health care services system. Those systems include hospitals, clinics, dispensary, laboratory services centre and x ray units. In the establishment of those systems, the government requires a lot of money as tax. An individual also pays for other bills. This has made many people avoid opening private healthcare systems. In many states, the government healthcare services systems are many than private, and this leads to congestion in the hospitals leading to poor services. The government should revise the bills regarding taxation of the healthcare services. The government should reduce taxation to the people willing to establish private health care systems. If the government can abolish the tax, many health centers could arise. Creation of many health centers will lead to effective and efficient services because of competition (Karl, 2011). In many countries, governments do not have enough facilities to handle every health problems. The governments imports facilities from different countries. In case of importation, it pays a lot of money for values added tax. Some government officials decide not to buy the facilities due to the large amount of tax. This leads to poor services due to lack of infrastructures. In private hospitals, they work for profit. In case of payment of high taxes while buying facilities, it means that the hospitals will make a little profit. As a result, people opt not to engage in health service business and leave the work to the government. The manufactures of healthcare facilities should reduce tax and sell the facilities at an appropriate price. The government should also make sure that it has enough funds to buy infrastructures even at a high cost. People running private hospital also should make sure that, they have enough facilities to handle each health problem. In taxation of healthcare workers, the government charges a lot of money, which makes many of the workers to quite the job. Many of the workers have decided to quit the profession due to excessive payment of tax. They opt to open private business in order to avoid payment of taxes. Insurance covers also charges taxes, which make many individuals not able to take a cover. The government should reduce taxes to employees in the healthcare system (Baker, 2011). This will motivate the workers

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Global Management of Cineworld Group Plc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Global Management of Cineworld Group Plc - Essay Example This paper illustrates that Cineworld Group plc is among the leading cinema group originated in the United Kingdom. The founder Stephen Wiener established the company in the year 1995 and now it operates in 83 locations in the UK under the Cineworld Cinemas Brand. The report deals with the Global management system of the Cineworld Group Plc. It focuses on the learning and development programmes held by Cineworld for its employees as well as recognize the CSR activities of the company. The report would evaluate the performance of Cineworld Group in both the field and suggest viable recommendations based on it. The training and development strategies for the employees is the process of educating and guiding subordinates and management to enhance their knowledge, skills and behaviour to achieve the common organisational goal as well as utilise these learning in individual development for the long run so that they prove to be a valuable asset for the company and its growth. Learning and development process is a characteristic of the employee engagement as it bridges the gap between the employees and the organization and increases their long-term relationship. The term â€Å"engagement† is used in terms of motivation, passion, and assurance. The organization should ensure that the employee engagement programs which help in training and developing the employee to upgrade the quality of their performance must inspire the people, care about the staff as well as instill a sense of challenge and competition among them to perform better. These initiatives enable the organization to perform better as it correlates with the firm’s retention, turnover, loyalty, productivity and services in terms of employees as well as customers. Stuart Holdsworth, the national learning and development manager of the Cineworld Group plc has launched a training and development program for its managers to enhance their skills.

Personal Statement (Martin Luther King) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Personal Statement (Martin Luther King) - Essay Example Martin Luther emphasizes the fact that a good reasoning ability is not enough for an individual to make a success of himself, but instead it is very important for one to have proper character and moral development. In Luther’s opinion, building an individual’s character helps them to have critical intellect, which would in turn helps them solve humane purposes. Exploring the dual purpose of education, Luther feels that education should be given utmost importance because it serves to ‘discipline the mind’ and channelize human life with a set of morals. According to Martin Luther, the primary goal of a good education comprises of two chief characteristics, which are 1) Intelligence and 2) Character. If either of these two is missing then education cannot be said to be complete or wholesome. Speaking on the function of education Martin Luther states that, â€Å"The function of education, therefore, is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. But education which stops with efficiency may prove the greatest menace to society." (Martin Luther, ‘The Maroon Tiger, 1947) Luther strongly felt that many people among his own circle had a misconception on the true purpose or function of education. ... This dual function of education includes utility as well as culture. He strongly felt that education is a vehicle that enables man to achieve the goals he set for himself in life through efficiency and determination. In order to achieve these goals and make a success of oneself, education has to be a sort of training ground to help man think and act quickly and effectively. Shedding light on the so called educated people, Luther states that though they are educated, they allow themselves to be carried away mentally by believing in propaganda, half truths and other prejudices and, therefore, wonders about the true purpose of education and the extent it fulfills it. In his opinion, most educated people do not think and act either logically or scientifically. The chief aim of education according to Martin Luther is that it should serve to help people sift through the morass of half-truths and arrive at only the truth and nothing else. They should be able to segregate the facts from fict ion and arrive at what is real, leaving aside things that are unreal in life. To achieve such a state in life, intelligence alone is not enough because the true goal of education is to have an education that includes both intelligence and character. QUESTION 2: Critical thinking is one of the primary goals of a good Jesuit education and there is no doubt about the values it is based on. Dr. Martin Luther King encouraged and emphasized critical thinking because he clearly understood its importance in our everyday lives. There are many definitions of what good critical thinking is. According to the NSCC (Nashville State Community College) Critical thinking is defined as ‘the careful and deliberate determination of whether

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Critique 2 research papers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Critique 2 research papers - Essay Example It has been my opinion that the lesbian, gay and bisexual populations likely suffer from a greater level of depression and other mental health disorders because of their position in society. Society has a dim view of this, because for many people homosexuality is seen as either wrong, or the people who have this sexuality are ill. Article Choice The strategy that I used in the discovery of these two articles was very decisive and simple. I was searching through my university’s online library database, EBCOHOST, using search terms of ‘mental health gay’, ‘mental health lesbian‘, ‘mental health bisexual’ and ‘suicide’ in the same contexts. I found a plethora of articles, so I did some skimming of each one to find the two that I would like to use for this paper. Upon further reading of each article, I was especially intrigued by these two because they two claimed to be the first of their kind, given the body of research that the authors of these articles were aware of. This piqued my interest further, and found within them many similarities in the methodology of the analyses, which will be discussed. They both covered within limitations the differences of age, gender and race within their samples. The findings of each article had some discrepancies, but also had certain key points that were similar. Critical Summation First, I am going to explore the article written by Brian S. Mustanski, et al. In this article, it is put forth that among lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) youth aged 16 to 20 years in Chicago, the prevalence of a mental health disorder is higher than that of heterosexual youth. Other sample studies have shown few LGB identified respondents, due to the combining of disproportionate representation. This allows for major inconsistencies in the study and findings previous concerning the gender differences and the individual’s sexual orientation. Most studies that are similar i n nature also did not allow for transgender participants. This understudied population was found in one small study to have an elevated level of substance abuse and victimization, but there was little to no evidence to support findings of higher than normal depression levels. There are many theories that warrant mental health disparities among LGB youth, namely minority stress. This theory simply states that racial or ethnical minorities are more likely to have a mental disorder resulting from prejudicial discrimination from their communities. This assessment covered posttraumatic stress disorder, anorexia, bulimia, depression, conduct disorder and suicidality. In a sampling of 246 youth with ethnic diversity were used in this study to prove this hypothesis. Using the DSM-IV via the Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children (DISC, Shaffer et al., 2000) allowed the researchers to use strictly specific diagnoses among the adolescent sample group. Along with the DSM-IV and DISC, this study used the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI 18, Derogatis, 2000) to measure the levels of psychological stress within the prior week. In testing of the hypotheses in reference to demographic differences, anorexia and bulimia were excluded. Another group, non-LGB, were used as a model to avoid further discrepancy. It was found that racial or et

Monday, September 23, 2019

Quantative methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Quantative methods - Essay Example The distances between each internal on the scale is equal. The location of zero is arbitrary in an interval scale. For example, the difference between 80 degree and 70 degree on a Fahrenheit scale is the same as the difference between 50 degree and 40 degree. But we cannot say that 80 degree is twice as hot as 40 degree because the zero does not represent the lack of temperature but a relative point on the Fahrenheit scale. In ratio scale there are absolute quantities and it possesses an absolute zero. An absolute zero represents an absence of an attribute. We use a ratio scale when measuring weight. If we hear zero kilograms of wheat, then it means there is no wheat. 4. Of the 50 respondents 13(26%) have said that they watch the national network news at 5:30 pm on Channel 5. 9(18%) respondents see it on Channel 3, 21(42%) see it on Channel 8 and 7(14%) were undecided. 9(18%) respondents see the local news on Channel 3, 25(50%) see on Channel 8, 11(22%) see on Channel 5 and 5(10%) ar e undecided. 24(48%) respondents rated the local news station they watched as good. 12(24%) respondents rated it as very good and 6(12%) said that it was excellent. Only 3(6%) rated it as poor. 17(34%) respondents rated the sports coverage as good, 16(32%) rated as very good and 10(20%) as excellent. Only 5(10%) rated it as poor. 35(70%) respondents rated the weather report as good or above. ... 33(66%) respondents say that the network news station is not an influence regarding which local news they watch. The shape of the frequency distribution of the variable X14 is trimodal. It has three modes. It can also be said that it is J-shaped because the highest values are at the extreme left. The frequency distribution of variable X15 is such that it has multiple modes. The shape of variable X17 is bimodal. The frequency distribution of variable X18 and X19 is approximately normal (bell-shaped). Recommendations The average age of the household head in Middletown is 44 years, and most of the household heads are in the range of 24-40 years. So Channel 5 should concentrate on targeting middle age men aged 25-45 so that they gain maximum viewership. Middle aged people usually are interested in sports and local news so Channel 5 should concentrate on showing more sporting events and give up to date local news. Channel 5 should also concentrate on those people who have rated local news , sports coverage and weather updates poorly. Channel 5 should also show sports and local news at prime time as this is the time when the maximum number of people is watching television. On average the people have been living in this state for 26.78 years. So they may be very interested in the local news. It is important that Channel 5 focuses on the local news. People in the area do not watch a lot of TV. They watch an average of 12.08 hours per week which makes it 1.72 hours per day. So Channel 5 needs to find out when the people watch TV the most and then target that spot. 5. Mean, median and mode are the three most important measures of the central tendency. They indicate where the center or the most typical value of the data set lies. The mean is simply

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Zipcar Entering the Foreign Market of Germany Case Study

Zipcar Entering the Foreign Market of Germany - Case Study Example The case study "Zipcar Entering the Foreign Market of Germany" talks about the Zipcar company, car rental service. The paper also analyzes why Zipcar decided to choose Germany as their new market. The rental company was established in 2000 and is currently composed of the merged operations of Zipcar and Flexcar, even as its ownership falls into the hands of Avis. 2006-th saw the company moreover branching out from its key American base and into England, in London, as well as Canada, in Toronto. As for 2012, the company had a presence in about 300 university campuses as well as 20 key urban centers scattered in its western markets. In 2014, too, the company lists Spain as a key market. Germany, given its sizable computer and driving population and its centrality to the European economy, is a good fit as an expansion market for Zipcar. If Great Britain and Spain are viable markets because of their economic readiness for Zipcar services, then one can make an argument too for Germany as a viable market, given that it is not only the largest economy in all of Europe but also that it has the largest population in the continent, after Russia. This mix of large population and a massive economic base makes Germany an exciting market for Zipcar from an economic and demographic point of view. Digging deeper into Germany’s demographics and economic profile, out of its about 80 million citizens, close to 63 percent is between the ages of 25 and 64 years, the most economically active years from a demographic point of view.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Coherence and Fidelity in Narratives of Activist Essay Example for Free

Coherence and Fidelity in Narratives of Activist Essay Babels have now been considerably expanded to service organizations identified with the Charter of Principles of the World Social Forum. There are national coordination centers in France, Italy, Germany, the United Kingdom, Spain, Greece, Hungary, Turkey, Russia, the United States, Brazil, Korea, and Japan, and their website mentions Ð ° facility for linguistic coordination for Arabie, but it is not clear what this facility consists of. In addition to unpaid translation and interpreting work, the tasks undertaken by Babels volunteers range from giving (moral and material) support to interpreters to developing linguistic tools that are available to anyone, Babels is perhaps the best example to date of Ð ° carefully planned, equitably structured, and highly politicized international community of translators and interpreters; indeed, it explicitly describes itself as Ð ° player in the anti-capitalist debate. The group is also committed to orchestrating Ð ° conscious process of’ contamination in which the excellent language skills of the politically sympathetic trained interpreter interact with the deeper political knowledge of the language-fluent activist to develop Ð ° reflexive communications medium organic to the social forum movement. In other words, Babels does not see itself as Ð ° low-cost service provider for the social movement but rather as an active member of that narrative community with Ð ° key role in elaborating the narrative vision of the World Social Forum. Clearly the groups discussed above do not simply come together on the basis of national or other such static affiliations, nor are they motivated by personal ambition or profit. These are communities created by election, to use Fishers term. Translators and interpreters come together in these groups willingly to volunteer their time, to invest emotionally and intellectually in projects designed to undermine dominant discourses, and to elaborate more equitable and peaceful narratives of the future. What we make of their efforts depends on our own narrative location and on how we judge the coherence and fidelity of the narratives they elaborate about themselves. Narrative theory allows us to examine communities of these types and their work from at least two different perspectives. In the first instance, it is possible to examine the type of narratives these groups elaborate and to ask how they mediate those narratives, both in terms of the selection of material to be translated and the specific modes of translation adopted. Questions such as the following are productive in this regard. What type of texts do members of such activist communities select for translation? Do they embellish certain narratives in order to give those whose voices are suppressed and marginalized Ð ° better chance of being heard? Do they frame narratives with which they disagree strongly, such as the Project of the New American Century, in specific ways in order to undermine and expose their underlying assumptions? Do they omit or add material within the body of the text or do they rely on paratexts to guide the readers interpretation of each narrative? Do interpreters in the social for Ð ° reveal their own narrative location through such factors as tone of voice, pitch, or loudness? With regard to the issue of marginalization, for example, Robert Barsky argues that the nature of the asylum system is such that it systematically works against claimants, however valid their claims might be. He describes how interpreters working within this system often elaborate Ð ° claimants statement, supplement it with details they learned prior to the hearing, and improve it stylistically and rhetorically. Interpreters working for disempowered claimants who are ill served by their lawyers and the system as Ð ° whole may at times mediate the gap between the claimants competence in matters of self expression . . . and the requirements of the Refugee Board (1996:54); indeed, one of the functions they fulfill can be to quite simply tell Ð ° good story (1996:57). In terms of translation and activism, Ð ° systematic examination of interventions of this type in the output of committed communities of translators, using Ð ° theoretical framework that makes it possible to transcend narratives of neutrality and objectivity, would be Ð ° worthwhile and illuminating endeavor, І suspect it might demonstrate, for instance, that direct textual manipulation of the type that preoccupies many theorists of translation are relatively rare. In tact the accuracy of translation in this context becomes even more important, because blatant interventions can be used against the translators to brand them as biased and hence untrustworthy, which would have repercussions for the credibility of their own narratives and the narratives they set out to promote, undermining their characterological coherence (in Fishers terms, as outlined above). Instead we may well find that accuracy acquires an additional value in this context and that much of the political work is done through the selection of material to be translated and through various methods of framing the translation including paratexts, timing of the release of translations, where translations are placed, and so forth. Another line of inquiry informed by narrative theory involves examining the relevant translation communities own narratives for coherence and fidelity, using the framework outlined by Fisher above, Ð  brief analysis of the narrative of one such community, Translators without Borders, serves to illustrate the potential for this application of narrative theory. Aligning itself with what has been dubbed the sans frontierisme or without borderism movement, Translators Without Borders or Traducteurs Sans Frontieres consists ot Ð ° group of volunteer translators and interpreters who provide free translations for organizations they deem deserving, including Doctors Without Borders, Reporters without Borders, Amnesty International, and Handicap International. In some respects this is Ð ° very different type of community from Babels and Translators for Peace. As mentioned in the introduction to this article, Translators without Borders is an offshoot of Eurotexte, Ð ° commercial translation agency based in Paris, with offices also in Lisbon, Fishers principles of narrative coherence concern the way in which Ð ° story hangs together. Perhaps most relevant in this context is structural coherence, which to my mind would test negatively in the case of the narrative of Translators Without Borders because of Ð ° lack of internal consistency. This inconsistency results from the conflict between humanitarian and commercial agendas consequent on the identification of Translators without Borders and Eurotexte. The Eurotexte site features several prominent links to the Translators without Borders site, often collapsing the distinction between Ð ° commercial organization and Ð ° not-for-profit community of volunteer translators.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Software to Manage the Olympic Games

Software to Manage the Olympic Games The Olympic and Paralympic Games are the worlds largest peace-time event. The modern Olympic Games were first held in Greece in 1896 and since 1960, the Paralympic Games have provided athletes with disabilities with the opportunity to compete at the highest level. All athletes are encouraged to live by a set of shared principles -the Olympic and Paralympic Values of friendship, equality, respect, courage, determination, excellence and inspiration. The Games are held every four years in a different city and in 2012 London will be hosting the Games. London started the bidding process to be a host city in 2003. Over two years the bid team put together a plan to show how the London Games would be staged. The team presented the plans to the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in Singapore in 2005, along with four other competing cities. After evaluation, the IOC voted for the city that they felt was the most suitable to host the Games in 2012. London received 54 votes in the final round compared to the 50 votes awarded to Paris and so became the host city. The London Organising Committee for the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games (LOCOG) has been set up to take responsibility for planning, organising and delivering a memorable Games in 2012. This is a huge task. The ÂÂ £2 billion needed to organise and run the Olympic and Paralympic Games has to be raised by LOCOG from the private sector. This is achieved through selling sponsorship, merchandising, broadcasting rights and tickets for events. The London 2012 Games will bring together more than 14,000 athletes from 205 countries. Spectators and sports enthusiasts will buy nine million tickets and billions of people around the world will watch the event on TV. Ensuring everything runs smoothly is a tough challenge and LOCOG cannot do it on its own. It has to work closely with many partners and stakeholders to make it happen. This case study shows how creating a clear vision and set of values has made it possible to establish clear objectives for delivering an unforgettable Games. A. Objective: Your group has been chosen to write the software required to manage the London Olympic Games 2012 from sending invitations to the participating countries/ teams , managing the facilities, tracking the events , recording the results and finally keeping track of the results and the performance of the participants etc. B. Your Tasks and Deliverables:- Identify the major tasks to be carried out. Identify the order the tasks have to be developed. Can some tasks be done in parallel (at the same time) or serially (one task must finish before the next task starts) and break down the major tasks to the lower levels (as far as work package). Identify any special tasks (tasks which need specialists). Identify any major risks that could affect the delivery of the project or cause to exceed the project budget, time scale or increase the required resource. Construct a risk assessment table that will rate the impact of each risk that you identify. Recommend ways to provide for the risks after a careful analysis. Use your initiative to determine how long jobs take to Include the critical path analysis to demonstrate the beginning to end of the project and identify where there may be problems. Include the milestones. Determine the labour costs and provide a WBS containing these costs. The WBS should also content a set of estimates that are mirrored on the WBS and should be capable of rolling-up to demonstrate the overall cost of the project and the individual cost of each sub deliverable. Use the different project evaluation techniques done in the class to evaluate the economic feasibility of the project. Consider all the strategic issues arising out of the project success( and failure !) Consider all the technical issues arising from this project.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Stream of Consciousness in Ernest Hemingways A Farewell to Arms :: Farewell Arms Essays

Stream of Consciousness in A Farewell to Arms      Ã‚  Ã‚   Many important American writers came to prominence during the Jazz Age, but their commonalities often stopped there. From lyrical to sparse, many different styles can be seen among these authors, such as those of Henry James, Edith Wharton, F. Scott Fitzgerald, James Joyce, and Ernest Hemingway. One stylistic technique, stream of consciousness, was most associated with Joyce. Yet, Hemingway also used this technique with regularity and it is an important element in his war novel, A Farewell to Arms. This technique uses the interior monologue of a character to convey information, and thus the reader is allowed a more fluid picture of the true thoughts of the character, in this case, Lieutenant Frederick Henry. Also, the information contained in these stream of consciousness passages would not have been as effectively expressed in traditional prose style.    There are six specific passages in A Farewell to Arms that exemplify the stream of consciousness technique. Each of these is related to one of the themes of drunkenness and confusion, escape and fantasy, and disillusionment. These themes are presented in a progression, as Henry becomes more demoralized about his life and the war. The first passage comes early, as he relives the experiences of his weeks on leave. The Lieutenant has been drinking and his memories flow like the speech of an intoxicated person; continuing on from one subject to the next without regard for the listener. Of course, the reader is the only "listener" here, but there is a sense that Henry truly is lost in his own thoughts. His reeling thoughts attempt to summarize the previous few weeks in the following passage:    I had gone. . . to the smoke of cafes and nights when the room whirled and you needed to look at the wall, nights in bed, drunk, when you knew that that was all there was, and the strange excitement of waking and not knowing who it was with you, and the world all unreal in the dark and so exciting that you must resume again unknowing and not caring in the night, sure that this was all and all and all and not caring (13).    This description is in direct contrast to a previous description of the cold, clear, scenic Abruzzi, Henry's alternative vacation spot, emphasizing his confusion as well as the sensory overload of the Cova.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Gideon’s Freedom in Doris Lessing’s No Witchcraft For Sale Essay examp

Gideon’s Freedom in   Doris Lessing’s No Witchcraft For Sale Dr. Gosby’s Comments: This student did an excellent job of applying the ideas we discussed in class relating to the obedience to authority When Europeans moved into the bush of Southern Africa and realized that they were hopelessly outnumbered, they had to develop ways to create and maintain their authority over the native population. They had tremendous advantages in the obvious areas, as author Jared Diamond writes in his Pulitzer Prize winning book: The proximate reasons behind the outcome of Africa’s collision with Europe are clear. Just as in their encounter with Native Americans, Europeans entering Africa enjoyed the triple advantage of guns and other technology, widespread literacy, and the political organization necessary to sustain expensive programs of exploration and conquest. (398) The African natives, in this crippled state, had little choice but to submit to European authority. Many Africans lived a life of indentured servitude. Parts of their culture were mixed with that of their oppressors, and over time, so were their bloodlines. Some of their indigenous culture did survive, however. Shamanism, the practice of physical and spiritual healing by a medicine man that occurs in practically every hunting and gathering society, continued to thrive in Africa despite the oppression by European settlers. The concoctions and methods of this practice were well-guarded secrets, known only to certain African natives. The European medicine of the day was basically a version of our contemporary Western medicine in its infancy, and its doctors’ methods shared little, if anything, in common with the methods of the African medicine m... ...ignity. Noted philosopher Erich Fromm comments, "A person can become free through acts of disobedience by learning to say no to power"(380). Gideon's disobedience is his freedom.    Works Cited Anti, Kenneth Kojo. Women in African Traditional Religions. May 1996. http://cehd.ewu/cehd/feculty/ntodd/GhanaUDLP/KKAntiAfricanWomenReligion.html Diamond, Jared. Guns. Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 1999. Fromm, Erich. "Disobedience as a Psychological and Moral Problem." Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum. Eds. Laurence Behrens and Leonard J. Rosen. New York: Longman, 2000. Getahun, Amare. Some Common Medicinal and Poisonous Plants Used in Ethiopian Folk Medicine.March 1976. . Lessing, Doris. African Stories. New York: Random House, 1980.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Ho families are changing :: essays research papers

How Families Are Changing†¦ For the Better The present structure of the average family in America is changing, mainly due to the growing number of mothers who now work outside the home. The current mark of dual-earner families stands at 64 percent, making it a solid majority today. This alteration of the â€Å"traditional† structure of the family is a catalyst for other changes that may soon occur. One of the changes that recently have been evident is the increased participation of men in the family’s raising of children. Of course, this is almost essential considering nearly two-thirds of all women now work out-side the home. Among other changes, women’s new economic gains have made marriages increasingly egalitarian. This leads both spouses to have more flexibility in choosing careers and balancing family life. Children today are increasingly being taught new values about the roles of men and women. Day care is becoming increasingly prevalent and is becoming somewhat of an extended family. Also, institutions outside the family such as the workplace and schools are creating the biggest stresses for parents. The biggest reason for all the changes at home are that women demand them, and their new economic resources carry a lot of weight in the decision. This has also led for the young men of today to increasingly accept this new domestic structure. Often, they choose wives which seem as their equals, as opposed to someone who â€Å"does not bring home the bacon.† Though, men today often feel threatened because they no longer solely own the breadwinner role. This leads to increased stress for men, who not only want to remain breadwinners, but also want to increase the time spent with their children. Yet, today’s families have come to face some big stresses dealing with institutions that have not advanced as far. Workplaces often do not offer flexible schedules to employees, while schools are still structured as if mothers still solely remained at home. Work schedules also provide a very difficult time schedule that often conflicts with domestic responsibilities. This has lead to inflexible schedules being on of the top sources of stress for parents.

Ethical Implications for Human Trafficking in the United States Essay

Ethical Implications for Human Trafficking in the United States Human trafficking is a type of modern-day slavery in which millions of people, regardless of gender or age, around the world are forced into. Human trafficking is the trade of human beings for the purpose of forced labor, sexual exploitation or illegal profits and usually involves the use of violence, fraud, or coercion to recruit, hide, and transport people illegally (Act Now). According to the United Nations is both a definition of human trafficking is â€Å"The recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation. Exploitation shall include, at a minimum, the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labor or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude, or the removal of organs. † (UNICEF) The traffickers use different types of strategies to exploit the â€Å"slaves†. There are two types of slavery: those who are forced to work for money and those who are kidnapped and forced to work for food (â€Å"Human Trafficking†). Trafficking primary involves exploitation which comes in many forms such as forcing victims into prostitution, subjecting victims to slavery or involuntary servitude, compelling victims to commit sexual acts for the purpose of creating pornography and misleading victims into debt bondage (Do Something). Of the 27 million slaves around the world, 80% of trafficking involves sexual exploitation, and 19% involves labor exploitation (Do Something). Many of the people who are victims of human trafficking are people who voluntarily enter the business but under false pretenses. These people leave their homes in order to change their quality of life but many of the times they are lied to about the conditions of the work they are intended to do. Due to monetary problems or joblessness, people try to find better opportunities out of the country. Poverty is a huge contributor to human trafficking as well. Mostly in third world countries and sometimes in second world counties, family members will sell females and children for cash. Females can cost around US$100-2,500 depending on the country, the age of the female and if she has had a child or not (PBS). Then they must work off the debt they accumulate, which includes costs of food, shelter, and other expenses with interest which can take years to settle. Homeless children or children who come from broken families are more susceptible to the sex industry to survive economically. These innocent victims put their trust on â€Å"manager† or the â€Å"middle man† who promise them a higher paying job in a better area. Many women leave their homes in order to find better opportunities for a high paying job for their family but when they arrive to the new city, they are forced into an exploitative job. They way human traffickers secure the â€Å"slaves† is by making them dependant on them by taking their passport away, making them into drug addicts and with emotional and physical abuse. Although 110 countries have signed and approved the document, implanting the policies and law proves most difficult. The challenge lies in targeting all the criminals who target innocent and vulnerable people who organize the human trafficking ring. In March 2007, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crimes (UNODC) formally launched a Global Initiative to fight Human Trafficking meaning they will help draft laws and help implement policies against human trafficking. The biggest international milestone to date has been the adoption of the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress, and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women, and Children (Act Now). The reason why it is so difficult to eradicate human trafficking is due to economical reasons. In economic terms, by increasing the amount of product in the most cost effect manner, the cheaper the product which is favorable for all consumers. However, putting it in simpler worlds, to provide lower prices for consumers, human traffickers reduce the cost of production by providing cheap labor to the factories. In order to find a better opportunity for their life, many people are being trafficked voluntarily. This means that they sign an â€Å"indentured servitude† agreement in which they are smuggled from one country into another. Even though this is illegal and exploitative, it allows people to move to a place that might have more resources to sustain them, which could balance the burden of human population. Because human trafficking allows some companies to produce goods and services at a lower cost, the other companies that compete legally will have to innovate and improve their businesses to stay competitive. Meaning human trafficking encourages the development of more efficient and innovative technology by providing cheap labor. Human trafficking dehumanizes the victims and rewards the perpetrators. With 50% of all slaves are under the age of 18 years, two thirds of them suffer from physical abuse from their handlers and it affects them in the long run (Do Something). They are more likely to develop metal health problems, engage in substance abuse, engage in prostitution and either commit, or be a victim of violent crimes (Do Something). We may think that things like this could never occur where we live but Orlando is the perfect example of how human trafficking in everywhere. According to Giselle Fernandez of the Coalition Against Human Trafficking, Florida is the number two destination for human trafficking due to the theme parks. Many of the girls work at the hotels, become prostitutes or end up in pornography. In order to prevent such a heinous crime, females must be educated so they are less susceptible to false hopes. Increasing police pay in certain destination areas so they are less likely to be bribed by traffickers. Only with efforts from the government, private companies, and especially communities will we be able to eradicate human trafficking.

Monday, September 16, 2019

The Corporal Punishment

Corporal punishment is a very complex and controversial topic. It's hard to decide what is right and what is wrong when discussing how to discipline children. For those of you who are not familiar with the term corporal punishment it is the use of physical force with the intention of causing a child to experience pain, but not injury, for the purpose of correction or control of the child's behavior. I read a lot of definitions, but I think Murray Straus summed it up the best with that definition. Corporal punishment is sometimes called spanking. The more common types of corporal punishment are spanking, grabbing or shoving, and hitting a child with objects such as a hair brush, belt, or paddle (Straus, 4-5). In the following paragraphs such things as who uses corporal punishment, the short long term effects of corporal, and things to do instead of using corporal punishment will be discussed. To my surprise many people do in fact use corporal punishment. Many people believe that when their child†s behavior gets out of control that the only way to restore order is to paddle the ones that are causing problems. In the Gallup Monthly Poll of 1000 randomly selected American parents, â€Å"Over half of the parents said they administered minor physical punishment during the past year, while 22 percent said they use severe physical punishment. â€Å"(Daro 519). This physical punishment does not work as effectively as other types of punishment and strictly speaking is illegal. â€Å"It is much better to choose a punishment that will fit the action, for example if a child has a fight over the TV, take away TV privileges. Corporal punishment is usually administered when the parent is being brash and hasn't had time to cool down from the child's misbehavior. † (Maccoby 19). Recently the â€Å"No hitting-use words to express you feelings† method has been thought to resolve problems, but many people don't believe it is effective and they result to other methods, such as corporal punishment. A study conducted by Gelles in 1989 found that 84 per cent of 1,470 adults agreed that â€Å"It is sometimes necessary to discipline a child with a hard spanking. † (20). What does this mean? It means that there are a lot of people out there who are using corporal punishment and that might be causing psychological problems within their children and may not even recognize it (Gelles 23). If you were to talk to parents and children of earlier generations you wouldn't believe the number of parents who spanked their children. Most parents spank their children because they believe it was for their own good (Straus 3). Research up to 1985 shows that more than 90% of parents used corporal punishment on toddlers and more than half continued to use it during the early teen years. Even this high figure represents a decrease from 99% in the 1950s and 97% in 1975. There have been further decreases since 1985, but almost all children continue to experience corporal punishment (White 12). These high prevalence rates and the high rates of approval of spanking may be interpreted as an indication that parents spank with little thought of possible side effects, such as later aggression and are learning to control this as time goes on (Daro 528). Talking with my parents and grandparents they said children back then were different. They respected their parents and followed directions. So why the change? Issues such as society, the increase in violence on TV, and the number of hours people spend watching TV may be leading factors in the change in children†s behavior. Now a day, there are children who enjoy being spanked because even though it was painful, it is quick and they didn't have to do any extra chores (Chmelynski 51). Out of the seven or eight articles I read there was only one that mentioned corporal punishment as a positive reinforcement. Most of the articles stated that it was either abuse or ineffective. Stuart Tolman, the Murtaugh school board chairman in Illonois, states that â€Å"Corporal punishment is effective†. He adopted corporal punishment to answer parent†s request of better discipline. He thinks, â€Å"suspensions just give kids a holiday. † He also said since they have been using corporal punishment there has been no suspensions that year (Chmelynski 51). Just because one out of seven or eight articles says that corporal punishment does work, does that mean it really does work? Of course not. Joy Cain states, â€Å"Abusing children directly affects their performance in school. â€Å"(101). According to a study published in Social Work Research, students who are abused consistently do worse on â€Å"CAT standardized tests, grade point averages, proportion who dropped out when eligible, mean annual absences, proportion of possible behavior problems and retention, and proportion with delinquency complaints† (Eron 172). Spanking a child will not stop them from doing the same thing later in life. According to research conducted, â€Å"Children who have been slapped or hit are usually so overwhelmed with anger and hurt feelings that they cannot remember what they were punished for. According to Susan Smith, the lesson that is being taught to a child that is being hit is that hitting is a solution to solving problems(1). Believe it or not there are short term and long term effects to corporal punishment. Obviously the short-term effect would be the stopping of the inappropriate behavior, but the long-term effect might not be so obvious. To determine definite results of long-term effects, many studies have to be conducted and many conclusions have to be drawn. Unfortunately, no types of studies have been done. The reason for this is that there would have to be an experimental group that would have to use corporal punishment and since many social scientists believe that harm will result in such studies, they don't want to conduct them. Even though there have been no studies reported, there have been some theories that have been supported by some research. These findings show that the more corporal punishment, the higher the rate of undesirable behaviors or thought later in life, such things as delinquency, approval of violence, alienation, depression, and lower earnings (Straus 196). Straus also believes that victims of corporal punishment have an increased chance of worse behavior and other problems, including impaired learning and as mentioned before, delinquency; and later in life, depression, child abuse, wife beating, and other crimes† (Straus 4). Although cultural norms supporting corporal punishment of children may be changing, there is abundant evidence that these norms are deeply rooted and pervasive (Yarrow 21). One of the most fundamental ways in which cultural norms supporting corporal punishment are expressed is in the Criminal law on assault. In every state of the U. S. hitting a child for purposes of correction or control is exempt from the crime of assault, usually with the proviso that it is limited to â€Å"reasonable force. † In practice, that includes the right to hit with belts and paddles, provided the child is not injured (Straus 12). In the 1960s every state in the United States passed legislation designed to protect children from physical abuse and to provide services for abused children. Ironically, in order to garner sufficient votes to pass the child abuse laws, it was typically necessary to include a provision declaring that parents continued to have the right to use corporal punishment. As a result, legislation intended to protect children from physical abuse contained provisions that further legitimated a practice that increases the risk of physical abuse (Giles 171). When reading about corporal punishment it is critical to know that it is an ethic and moral question to as if corporal punishment is right or wrong. It all comes down to what you believe in. It would be nice if everyone got along and didn't hit one another, but in reality everyone is not like that. Something can be done though to prevent the use of corporal punishment. Other types of discipline, without raising a hand to a child, can be taught and used by many parents. It may seem a lot easier to spank and be done, but here are some suggestions that are being used today: 1. Take a deep breath and remember you are the adult. 2. Count to twenty while you pressing your lips together tightly. 3. Go outside or take a walk. Get yourself away from the situation and clear your head (Smith 2). 4. Keep expectations in line with the child's age. 5. Think ahead, and anticipate problems and ways of avoiding them. 6. Offer choices. Don't bark commands. 7. Be consistent. 8. Follow through with consequence, not punishments. (Cain 101). Other steps can be taken to prevent the use of corporal punishment on children. Parents can create a home where it's easier for a child to be well behaved and productive, and where they are less tempted to resort to spanking (Larzelere 30). They can be clear that they are the parents who ultimately set the limits and enforce the rules. One step to doing this would be to teach children how to talk about their feelings, rather than act them out in misbehavior. Next, parents should try to anticipate stressful situations and develop ways of handling them before the child's behavior gets out of control. As long as parents monitor their own levels of anger and are aware of what may trigger angry responses, they can be patient and in control. Last, parents have to be consistent in their parenting, so that all confusion can be stopped between what punishments will be like, so that children can know what to expect if they disobey their parents (White 14). Spanking and other forms of physical punishment teach children that it is all right to hit people who are smaller and weaker. Physical punishment causes parents to lose an opportunity to teach children alternative behaviors, which are socially acceptable. Its use sometimes leads to physical abuse and it contributes to the cycle of child abuse. Other means of discipline are available to parents including time-out, rule setting, and consequences for misbehavior, explaining and reasoning and praise for good behavior. â€Å"Corporal punishment may provide immediate results, but it doesn't teach self-discipline. It teaches that aggression is the way to solve problems and that big people can bully little people† (Cain 121). Corporal punishment is wrong. It may cause problems in the future for the child being hit, and it is not fair to the child. With so many other choices, corporal punishment should be laid to rest.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Hamlet’s Growth Through Soliloquies Essay

Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark is a story of a man searching for his true identity. Shakespeare uses soliloquies to show the readers and audience the true feelings and emotions of Hamlet. All seven soliloquies, each slightly different, proclaim Hamlet’s inner conflicts and reasons for delaying his revenge. Hamlet is a very complex character. He doesn’t really know who he is, but through his soliloquies we can trace Hamlet’s search for his true identity. In Hamlet’s opening soliloquy he reveals how he feels towards Claudius and his mother. He is disgusted with the circumstances of their marriage. â€Å"With such dexterity to incestuous sheets†, he proclaims in rage. He does not understand why his mother married Claudius in such haste, causing such internal torment for himself. While Hamlet hates Claudius, he loved his father very much, and his death has caused him much sorrow. In the beginning lines of this soliloquy Hamlet has already considered suicide, but he decides to do nothing. His decision not to act starts a trend of procrastination, and these decisions of inactivity will continue to be the main source of his problems throughout his speeches and the play. After talking with his father’s ghost, in the third soliloquy Hamlet is angered by the news that Claudius has murdered his father. Hamlet assures himself that he will think of nothing but revenge. However, he delays his plans, because he is uncertain of the King’s guilt. He finally takes some action when he plans to put on a play that will mirror his father’s murder in order to see the King’s reaction. At the end of the third soliloquy he says, â€Å"The play’s the thing wherein I’ll catch the consicience of the king.† Even after the Murder of Gonzago is performed, he takes no action. He begins to feel guilty and is ashamed that he has not avenged his father’s death despite being quite sure of Claudius’s guilt. In the fourth soliloquy Hamlet begins to show signs of madness. He again contemplates suicide, and again he takes no action, this time because he is unsure of what occurs after death. Hamlet was very upset with his mother, but he shows that he is not inclined to harm when he says, â€Å"speak daggers to her, but use none†. All these soliloquies show Hamlet as a very passive character who would rather think and talk than fight or kill. In his seventh soliloquy, Hamlet finally gains the courage to avenge his father. It occurs just after a meeting with Fortinbra’s soldiers where he finds out they are going to fight over a worthless peice of land. He feels ashamed that he put off avenging his father’s death for so long. With his newfound determination to he vows, â€Å"O, from this time forth, my thoughts be bloody, or be nothing worth†. Through Hamlet’s soliloquies we are able to understand his true self, not the false facade he portrays to all that know him. We are able to trace his thoughts and emotions from his first passive act up until he finally avenges his father. Hamlet’s tragic flaw is his inability to act which ultimately leads to the deaths of many characters and lastly himself. Without soliloquies many of Hamlet’s actions, and reasons for not acting, would make very little sense. They help show Hamlet’s true feelings and emotions that would otherwise be hidden.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Policing in Kelsey Essay

In this paper, I will discuss the budget cuts on the City of Kelsey. The mayor has assigned me as a budget director to review and perform budget cuts on the City’s Police Department, due to a 15% budget cut on the City deficit. The state legislature wants to hire less Police Officers and build more prisons. The Police Department currently has an annual budget of $16,177,678. With the 15% budget cut, the mayor is requesting from the Police Department, that leaves a new annual budget of $14,236,356, a decrease of $1,941,322. The major change that will affect the fiscal cycle of this budget year is the decrease in the hiring of Police Officers. The City of Kelsey was in the process of hiring 10 new Police Officers to fill the 10 position that were vacant, due to six retiring Police Officers and four Police Officers finding other employment. Now with the 15% budget cut, the City will not be filling these opened positions, thus saving the City $1,200,000. New vehicle and maintenance cost will also decrease, due to not hiring the new officers. Last fiscal year the City Manager allotted $150,000 for 5 new vehicles and maintenance cost for the hiring of the new Police Officers. As a budget director, I went to the Police Union and request a 10% cut in wages or freeze the wages until the next fiscal year, thus saving $300,000. Also cutting 16 paid holidays a year will save the City $400,000. The Police Union Committee advised the Union has only agreed to a 1% pay cut within the next fiscal year, which will save the City $30,000. The Committee has also agreed to 10 paid holidays a year instead of 16. This will save the City an annual $150,000 a year. The Chief of Police has agreed to cut the training budget by 80%. The City will save an annual budget of $125,000. With these cuts alone, the City will save $1,655,000 alone. Another proposal will cut community programs and events within the next fiscal year. The annual â€Å"Shop with a Cop† or â€Å"Trunk or Treat† is in the annual budget for $10,000. Domestic violence programs can also be cut saving the City an  annual budget of $50,000 a year. Finally, the City will cut all overtime pay for the reminding of the fiscal year, saving the City an estimate of $500.000. With all the above-mentioned budget cuts, the City will project to see a 10% increase in crime. First, not filling the 10 Police Officers position will decrease the number of Police Officer per shifts, thus running the shift at staff minimal. Running the shift at staff minimal will decrease response time to service calls. The Mayor and City Council requested a 5 to 7 minute response time to every service call last fiscal year. With the decrease in personal, a new projective response time will be 10 to 12 minutes. The city has a collective bargaining contract with the Police Union. The Police Union has agreed to a 1% pay cut. Per the collective bargain contract, the City will repay the 1% back at the beginning of the next fiscal year, plus the cost of living increase (7%). I, as the Budget Director will have to go back to the Police Union next fiscal year and asked for an additional pay cuts. Per the collective bargaining contract, the Police Union does not have to cut pay or other benefits that the city provides. If the Police Union does not cut pay next fiscal year, the city will be forced to cut more position instead. Which means fewer Officers per shift, and longer response times to calls. Cutting the domestic violence program that helped victims and offenders will increase the number of incident of domestic violence more than 30% over the next six months. The program-helped victims relocate to a safer environment. The program also helped offenders with counseling. With the shifts at staff minimal, a plan of assigning Officers to areas will have to be established. The City is broken up into three sectors. Sector 1 is the business community and normally requires 40 Officers per shift. Sector 2 is residually areas that normally require 40 officers per shift. Lastly, sector 3 is rural area of the city, and this area requires 10 officers per shift. With the decrease in staff and overtime, area command staffs will assets the needs of each area and assign officers as needed. A federal grant was proposed for an additional $300,000 per year for the next three years is now in the works. The federal grant is for community police programs. The final approval for the grant will take up to 90 days. Inclusion, the 15% budget cut in this year’s fiscal year was successful. Hopeful the economy gets better and next fiscal year is a huge success. The City of Kelsey will continue to grow and  be a safe community to live. Reference Kelsey Annual Budget for the Fiscal Year 2005-06 (2012, Jan). Retrieved from aapd/cist/vop/ Government/KelseyCity/citygovernment.asp

Friday, September 13, 2019

The Price by Arthur Miller Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Price by Arthur Miller - Essay Example Miller’s "The Price" is one of the most entertaining and engaging plays adapted since 1968. Although it was one of Miller’s lesser-known works, it is worthy to have a space in center stage. The play deals with the family’s old wounds and confrontations of consequences of decisions made in the past. It also depicted how people place blame on others when their lives turn off the course. Garry Hynes’ direction of The Price did not deviate from the original script written by Miller. Her choice of well-seasoned actors for the characters is well acclaimed. Her cast includes Sam Robards, John Bedford Lloyd, Kate Burton and Alan Mandell. Sam Robards played the character of Victor Franz who grew up with envy and antagonism towards his brother Walter. He was able to portray Victor’s character very well. His actions were well calculated and with good energy such that in the part where he hit a brick wall that he built by himself. He attacked the character of Victor with resentment in a manner that the audience can really see and feel. He carried the night and became the heart of The Price. John Bedford Lloyd played the character of a successful, wealthy doctor and brother of Victor, Walter Franz. He was very mysterious in character such that the audience cannot clearly point it out if his intentions were selfless or manipulative. He made sure he does prematurel y expose the complications of Walter’s character. He was able to bring out the character in timing rightly. Kate Burton, who played Victor’s wife Esther, moved the character back and forth from being a caring wife and a condescending drinking wife who wants to leave Victor. She was constantly pushing his husband to succeed and stop embarrassing her. Alan Mandell flawlessly portrayed the lovable character of an eighty-nine-year-old appraiser of antique and furniture named Gregory Solomon.  

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Work Based Learning in the Creative and Cultural Industries Assignment - 2

Work Based Learning in the Creative and Cultural Industries - Assignment Example The information that is being given to the public continues to be announced, specifically with a relation to updates about the flu, how it is spreading and what an individual can do for prevention and treatment (Flu.Gov). The main concepts that are associated with the swine flu, even though it is based on prevention and treatment, has led to further questions about the attitudes toward this epidemic. It has been found that the swine flu outbreak is one that is not only based on health and prevention. Instead, the media has created a further epidemic through the amount of knowledge that they have received as well as through the hype that has been created around the flu. The limited evidence, knowledge and the idea of the risk where millions will die has created a different culture and attitude surrounding the swine flu. The influence of the media is one that has altered the understanding and legitimacy of the flu and has created a different culture related to the vaccinations and seriousness surrounding this virus (Goldacre, 2009). To find the true beliefs of culture and society about the swine flu, as well as the impact of the media, I have interviewed a variety of individuals. The questions asked relate to the legitimacy of the flu as well as the information and understanding of what is a part of this epidemic. The results show that, there is a cultural and societal understanding of the flu, not only based on the facts about the swine flu, but also from the influence of the media and the hype that is surrounding this specific flu. From the work place to homes, is an epidemic that is not only based on the flu, but also is related to the culture and expectations that are surrounding

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Kristen Cookie Company Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Kristen Cookie Company - Term Paper Example Computation of the company’s optimum capacity compared to its break-even point also revealed that the present production system cannot make the company viable because optimum capacity is almost equal to break-even point. Having identified the weaknesses in Kirsten Cookie Company, recommendations were made on how to eliminate the bottleneck in production and how to make the company more viable and competetive in general. I. Introduction Background information   Kristen’s Cookie Company is a company that I co-own with my roommate. We operate in an on-campus apartment with the university students and personnel as our primary market. The initial idea of the company is to bake fresh cookies to order, using any combination of ingredients that the customer wants. The cookies that were ordered will be available for pick up within an hour. Thesis of the case study   This study will investigate whether the chosen production process which is the made to order is the most profi table mode of production considering the kind of market that we have and the facility and opportunity available to us. During the course of its investigation, it is important to note that the organization is a start-up company and is operated and manned by its owners (me and my roommate) and as such, this limitation should be considered in the assessment of the organization to arrive at an accurate findings where realistic recommendations can be made where it is appropriate. II. Methodology SWOT Analysis SWOT provides an organization the environmental assessment of which it operates and thus provides the framework to determine the appropriateness of Kristen Cookie Company’s production process. It includes both the internal and external factors of an organization’s environment. The internal factors involve the internal capability of an organization as expressed by the strength and weakness of SWOT. The external environment of an organization is expressed in the opportun ities and threats of the SWOT (Beagrie, 2004). SWOT provides a reality check in determining the appropriateness of the elected production process in the initial phase of Kirsten Cookie Company. Strength Making cookies through made to order has a marketing appeal of having a product that is freshly baked right from the oven cookies. Compared to the make to stocked cookies, they are fresher and relatively tastes better. Producing cookies through made to order minimizes risk because the company keeps no inventory of its finished products that has the potential of incurring loss due to spoilage and waste when it is not sold before its expiration date. Weakness The make to order production of cookies limits the production capacity of the business according to the number of orders which are done in almost real time (one hour before the customer can pick up their cookies). It also does not optimize production capacity and makes the facility vulnerable to idleness during off season. It is a lso vulnerable to opportunity cost because the company’s commitment to sell freshly baked cookies which the customers can pick up after an hour of ordering implies opportunity lost with demands foregone during the day (the business only operates at night and has a commitment that customers can pick up their cookies after an hour of ordering). Given the capacity of its facility, the make to order production system also has a bottleneck in the baking stage where it will compile buffers as it takes longer to bake (10 mins) before the next batch will arrive (6 mins for the 3 trays to complete).

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 46

Philosophy - Essay Example In spite of the fact that the argument which was described may be rather convincing at first sight, if one carefully analyzes it, one may come up with various fallacies that can be found in its logic. To begin with, one should note that the very first premise is faulty. It is an exaggeration to state that all bodies act to a certain end. Indeed, there is a vast array of objects that do not perform any specific function and, therefore, are not able to have a suitable end for its activity. Of course, it is possible to state that inanimate object should be rejected and the analysis should be limited to animal; however, life of the latter also does not strive to achieve a certain end. While there may be some goals which can be identified, from a general perspective, life of a person, life of a lion, life of a plant and even life of a rock (meaning its existence in one piece before it crumbles) does not serve any purpose or are designed to achieve a certain goal. They might find one is th e process of living, but it surely was not predetermined. The second premise is faulty because it operates with a notion that is rather difficult to design. On the one hand, intelligence is truly a characteristic of a highly developed creature which draws a line between humans and other animals. However, one can not dismiss the fact that even the simplest microorganisms feature some kind of intelligence. Of course, they are not able to think or consider abstract matter, but they are surely active and independent from their perspective. In addition to that, there is no single agreed mechanism of identifying intelligence as the latter might manifest itself in different forms. That is why claiming that some natural bodies are not intelligence is oversimplification. If we accept the validity of the above mentioned statement then the third premise should also

Monday, September 9, 2019

Business D1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Business D1 - Essay Example Nevertheless, application of interpersonal skills is depends on communication, which is either formal or informal. Effectiveness of interpersonal skills is manifested through development of substantial communication capabilities. For instance, people are able to communicate freely, though without the knowledge of the messages that they are disseminating (Tracom Group, 2013). For instance, effective communication skills entail aspects such as maintenance of eye contact, control of physical twitches such as fidgeting and concentration, while listening during a conversation. In this case, an active listener is able to ask clarifying questions, which is an illustration of their effective interpersonal skills in terms of listening. Therefore, through this way they can ensure that the message is understood as it is being conveyed. Ineffective interpersonal skills can cause serious problems during a serious conversation, thereby leading to misunderstanding; in fact, this can also lead to conflicts (Tracom Group, 2013). For instance, in a situation where a business associate does not maintain eye contact during a conversation, this is an indication that they are not interested with the message conveyed; hence, this becomes

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Marketing Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Marketing - Article Example For this reason, a survey was conducted among the customers of three travel agents in Indonesia. In total, 215 customers participated in the survey. The survey aimed to reveal the relationship between the marketing mix and the consumer decision making especially in regard to travel agents. After analyzing the findings using three different methods of analysis, Satit et al. (2012) came to the result that only two from the 4P’s of marketing mix influence customer decision making in the particular sector: product and price. 3) The article addresses a particular aspect of marketing, the marketing mix. It should be noted that the mode of marketing mix chosen in the above study is the 4P’s, i.e. product, price, place and promotion. At the next level, the article discusses the potential value of the 4P’s for the consumer decision-making process. In other words, not all aspects of 4P’s are explored, but just the relationship of 4P’s with the above process. At the same time, the use of 4P’s as a marketing tool is evaluated specifically in regard to travel agents in Indonesia. Although a specific industry is involved, the findings of the research, as presented in the above article, could be used for understanding the value of 4P’s in other industries also. 4) Through this article I have learned that marketing mix can be valuable in a high range of industries; still, the level at which marketing mix can contribute in the development of each industrial sector is not standardized. For example, in the case of travel agents, only two elements of marketing mix have been proved to be powerful to influence the consumer decision making process: product and price. In other words, marketing mix can serve as a tool for promoting business performance. But before adopting this tool for achieving such target it would be necessary to review the

Martin Luther On the Freedom of a Christian Man (Response Paper) Essay

Martin Luther On the Freedom of a Christian Man (Response Paper) - Essay Example is period, Reformation evolved as a movement which severely criticized and demanded reform of the Catholic way of life, as initially expressed in the campaigns of Martin Luther.[1] To address this issue, Luther challenged the Catholic understanding of justification and salvation by faith by examining the paradox. Through his endeavour in On the Freedom of a Christian, he proposed that â€Å"A Christian man is the most free lord of all† yet â€Å"a Christian man is the most dutiful servant of all† in an attempt to contrast what is inwardly renewing to that which is outwardly perishing. By the time corruption and nepotism within the Catholic system of papacy became exposed to the public [2], people who had long suffered the rigid structure of worship along with poverty and social inequality began to perceive the crisis in Catholicism and how they had been which relates to salvation and find out that religious affairs are irrelevant to spiritual progress in the absence of faith and acknowledgment of God’s word for â€Å"Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God† (Matt. 4:4). Eventually, they inquired in meditation whether a man is justified by visible efforts that build him up on the outside or by invisible faith which gathers him up on the inside. Were they certain about what they thought all along – that men attain salvation by good works? Or must salvation be achieved in the light of faith which depends not on physical exertions but on God’s Word which sustains the spirit? If the Catholic doctrine truly works with efficacy as taught by the ordained members of the church, why did it appear that most followers remained unrelieved of confusion and suffering? In order to establish a solid argument in protest of the theological views against which such queries were raised, Luther made ‘faith’ central to his discourse of On the Freedom of a Christian where he described faith as â€Å"a living fountain, springing up

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Group Development Model Essay Example for Free

Group Development Model Essay You are required to organize your company dinner. The company has chosen 20 people from various departments to be in the dinner committee. Using a group development model, discuss the stages that the group will go through from the beginning to the end of the task (organizing dinner). A group is defined as two or more interacting and interdependent individuals who come together to achieve specific goals. Formal groups are working groups defined by the organizational structure that have designated work assignment and task. Informal groups are groups that is independently formed to meet the social needs of their members. There are five stages in a group development model which are forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning. The forming stage in which people join the group and then define the group’s purpose, structure and leadership. Team members tend to behave quite independently. The members of the team get to know one another, exchange some personal information, and make new friends. Supervisors of the team tend to need to be directive during this phase. From 20 people, I will decide who is going to be decorating sub committee, food sub committee, funding sub committee, marketing sub committee, program sub committee, and volunteer sub committee. Because of they are from different departments, they tend to know each other first before they start working. They have to determine what activities and programs are already in place and serving the needs of the community. Determine the need for the dinner and availability of resources. The next stage is storming. Storming stage characterizes by intragroup conflicts and disagreement among group members. Team members open up to each other and confront each others ideas and perspective. Normally tension, struggle and sometimes arguments occur. Supervisors of the team during this phase may be more accessible, but tend to remain directive in their guidance of decision-making and professional behavior. All the subcommittee has to set goals for the dinner. They have to know their target population and their desired objective or outcome. They have to brainstorm ideas and at this stage all ideas are good ideas. They also can explore the idea of partnership to share the workload or get mileage out of the work they do. The third stage of group development is norming stage. It is characterized by close relationships and cohesiveness. The team manages to have one goal and come to a mutual plan for the team at this stage. Some may have to give up their own ideas and agree with others in order to make the team function. In this stage, all team members take the responsibility and have the ambition to work for the success of the teams goals. The sub committee now able to find a leader among them and establish a small but effective working group with a broad range of skills that is able to function as a team. The subcommittee also has to compare the skills and abilities of the committee members against the task to be performed to determine what training is required. Besides that, they have to determine the actual fiscal resources necessary. The fourth stage of group development is performing stage when the group is fully functional and work on group tasks. The team members are now competent, autonomous and able to handle the decision-making process without supervision. Supervisors of the team during this phase are almost always participative. Even the most high-performing teams will revert to earlier stages in certain circumstances. At this stage, all sub committees implement what they plan before. They are co-operating together and help each other to succeed the dinner. Each member knows their responsibilities and tasks. The marketing subcommittee has to publicize to catch the attention of their target group and make them want to seek more information about the dinner. The program subcommittee has to make sure all needed material such as equipment is on hand and in good working order. The final stage of group development stage is adjourning stage which group members are concerned with wrapping up activities rather than task performance. This stage involves completing the task and breaking up the team.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Comparing How Two Short Fiction Writers Effectively Convey a Common Theme Essay Example for Free

Comparing How Two Short Fiction Writers Effectively Convey a Common Theme Essay â€Å"A Visit of Charity† by Eudora Welty and â€Å"The Use of Force† by William Carlos Williams are both engrossing short stories featuring two young female characters who must face an ailment. Eudora Welty touches on a social ailment, using an indifferent teenage girl as takeoff point, and portrays the abandonment of the elderly in a home that is as cold as the treatment they are subjected to. On the other hand, Williams tackles a physical ailment, and he depicts how a medical practitioner will go to great lengths not to neglect his duty, even if he encounters resistance. Welty takes on a serious, somewhat mocking tone, while Williams is thoroughly amusing and almost comical, yet very realistic. In Welty’s short story, a teenage named girl Marian is the protagonist who temporarily leaves the confines of her cloistered existence to visit a home for the aged to fulfill a requirement for Campfire Girls, a group that seeks to develop character in the young.   Instead of gaining the expected social benefits from the visit, Marian ironically develops great uneasiness and retreats. Both short story titles reflect their themes and plot, although the titles may have other implications. â€Å"Visit† in Welty’s short story implies Marian’s fleeting and superficial encounter   with elderly women in the institution. Another possible meaning of the title, â€Å"A Visit of Charity† is that in the world of   apathetic young people, there may be an instance when life offers an opportunity to look beyond themselves and show helpfulness or compassion for fellow human   beings. The title may be seen then as a case of Charity paying Marian a visit by offering her the opportunity to help or give solace or relief to the needy.    Being young and preoccupied with her personal agenda, though, she fails, as most young people do, to enrich herself from a special opportunity to reach out and be of service to others. As for â€Å"The Use of Force† by William Carlos Williams, the title at first glimpse conjures a serious or frightening situation like the application of brute force, a common subject in many literary works. In â€Å"The Use of Force† by Williams, we see instead the firm hand   of a physician who responds to the call of duty as he overcomes the temporary setback of an unwilling and naughty, young patient who resists him. The setting, characters, events and situations in both short stories come alive through the use of vivid language. When Welty describes the home for the aged as   having walls that bounce off the winter sunlight like a block of ice† (Welty 245) and corridors that smell like the interior of a clock† (Welty 246), she lets readers in on the pitiable plight of the elderly women who endure not just the poorly illuminated and unkempt dwelling place but also the neglect and contempt of people entrusted to care for them, or society as a whole. Welty uses a lot of similes like these as the story progresses. William likewise uses figures of speech like personification as he amusingly narrates his experience with the impish Mathilda, the sick child with overprotective parents who are easily swayed by her whims but who care for her well-being. Williams, for instance describes the antagonist as follows: â€Å"The child was fairly eating me up with her cold, steady eyes† (Stuber). There are also symbolisms in each short story.   In â€Å"A Visit of Charity,† the potted plant that Marian brings to the home for the aged is just a thing or gift that is expected of a visitor.   In the same way, the elderly ladies are placed in the home because it is the right thing to do, even if they are not given the genuine warmth and attention they deserve as human beings. In â€Å"The Use of Force,† the parents of the sick child represent a bygone era, when medicine was not yet fully developed as a science and old-fashioned remedies were resorted to.   The doctor may therefore represent the western world’s modern man or â€Å"savior† of those afflicted with illness. In â€Å"A Visit of Charity† by Eudora Welty, the main character desires or concentrates on her own personal advantage.   In contrast, â€Å"The Use of Force† by William Carlos Williams depicts a doctor’s selfless concern to be of help to his patient. In both short fiction stories, the characters interact and engage in dialogue as part of a first-time encounter. The dialogue breathes life to the personalities of the characters, allowing readers to visualize and relate to them better, while also advancing the plot and making the story even more interesting. Both authors lend credibility to the main characters’ views by first establishing their age, gender. task or occupation, and the social class they represent as seen from their mode of dressing and speech. Overall, both William Carlos Williams and Eudora Welty are masters of the short story form who are effectively able to convey important social themes through imagery and characterization, among other elements of short fiction. Works Cited Stuber, Irene. The Use of Force by William Carlos Williams (1883-1963).† Classic Short Stories. 1995. 17 July 2008 Welty, Eudora. A Visit of Charity.† Modern Satiric Stories: The Impropriety Principle. Ed. Gregory Fitzgerald. Illinois: Scott, Foresman and Company, 1971. 245-246.