Wednesday, October 30, 2019

NESTLE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5750 words

NESTLE - Essay Example Nestle sales for 2010 were almost CHF 110 bn (roughly 109 billion US Dollars). It manufactures and sells about 7500 brands in different nutrition and wellness categories. This report provides an analysis and evaluation of the range of alternative aspects related to international entrepreneurship employed by Nestle to influence business activity, by clearly identifying conclusions drawn from the analysis. The paper will give recommendations and suggest areas of further study. The report finds the international business prospects of the company in its current position are positive. The areas of weakness require further investigation and remedial action by management. Introduction Entrepreneurship is a process through which individuals or organizations identify opportunities, allocate resources, and create value.   This creation of value is often through the identification of unmet needs or through the identification of opportunities for change. Entrepreneurs see â€Å"problems† as â€Å"opportunities,† then take action to identify the solutions to those problems and the customers who will pay to have those problems solved. Entrepreneurial success is simply a function of the ability of an entrepreneur to see these opportunities in the marketplace, initiate change (or take advantage of change) and create value through solutions. (Greg). International or Global Business is defined as the exchange of goods and services among individuals and businesses in multiple countries. It is specific entity, such as a multinational corporation or international business company that engages in business among multiple countries. To initiate and expand international business, International marketing is required. International marketing is the process of conceptualizing and then conveying a final product or service worldwide with the hopes of reaching the international marketing community. Proper global marketing has the ability to catapult a company to the next leve l, if they do it correctly. Different strategies are implemented based on the region the company is marketing to. Global /International marketing is especially important to companies that provide products or services that have a universal demand such as automobiles and food.( jetzt). In this backdrop, Nestle is a true International entrepreneur / business. Henri Nestle in Vevey, Switzerland, founded the company in 1866 with headquarters still located there. Company employs around 280000 people and has factories or operations in almost every country in the world. Nestle sales for 2010 were almost CHF 110 bn (roughly 109 billion US Dollars). It manufactures and sells about 7500 brands in different nutrition and wellness categories. (Nestle) .Nestle deals in variety of food, health and nutrition products. Main categories of products include but not limited to Baby Foods, Sports Nutrition, Chocolates, Waters, Coffee, Beverages, Frozen Meals, Ice Cream and Frozen Treats, Imported Foods, Healthcare Nutrition, Pet Foods and Food services worldwide. Creating a global business strategy involves first carrying out an environmental analysis of political, economic, social, and technological trends that are relevant to operating on a global scale. An organization’s mission statement should then reflect this global focus. A mission statement is a relatively short statement outlining the purpose of an organization. It creates a direction for the organization. Having a clear set of objectives enables strategic planners within an organization to develop the plans - strategies that enable the organization to focus on global markets. A key element of this global strategy will be a global

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Family Structure as a “Mythical Force” in the Fate of the Heroines Essay Example for Free

The Family Structure as a â€Å"Mythical Force† in the Fate of the Heroines Essay In the long history of Chinese Literature, the role of women has always been very limited to isolated cases only. These limitation and restriction refer of course not only to women fictionists, poets, and other writers but also to women characters in fiction, poems, and other writings. As a matter of fact, it is said that women’s literature has been badge by critics as inferior and mediocre in the context of a larger Chinese literary theory. This can be attributed to the many and varied restrictions imposed on women not only in mainstream and classic Chinese literature but also in Chinese society[i]. At the onset, China has been portrayed by both Chinese and foreigners as a country which is known to have observed two of the most women-biased practices in the world. First is a place where there is a palpable patriarchal family system where women are assigned and restricted to traditional domestic roles. Second is a place where 1949 revolution and post- Mao reforms has thwarted marriage and family life altogether[ii]. Traditional China is known to have a government that reserve officialdom and educational opportunities exclusively for men. Women would only have an opportunity to learn through family ties and clans. For the most part of the population such as the peasant, the artisans, and the merchants, most of the women would not even have an opportunity for education as opposed to the members of educated elite where women have a chance to at least learn little things like playing a musical instrument, learning how to paint, and learning how to play chess. However, girls are only limited to learn such things as compared to their brothers who go to schools and taught by private tutors. This disparity is attributed to two reasons. First, there is no such thing as lure of wealth and fame for the family that accompanied girls’ involvement in civil service examinations and official career. Second, the Chinese society dictates that the primary and foremost role of a woman is to fulfill her prescribed functions in the family as a wife, a mother, and a daughter-in-law. For the most part in the history of China, women’s lives have been devoted to the preparation for and actual undertaking of these traditional roles in their own nuclear family and most especially the family of their husbands[iii]. At an early age, young girls are undertaking an exclusive feminine training program. This is followed in a very strict manner from one family to another. At the age of seven, the girl must be separated from her brothers and other male relatives. She will then be send in her own apartment where her only company would only be her nurse, her maidservant, and the female members of the family like mothers and sisters. At the age of ten, he will then be taught various and important domestic arts such as sewing, weaving, embroidering, and supervising household. In her middle late teens, her marriage will then be arranged by her parents and will have to devote her life to her husband, parents-in-law, and children[iv]. Marriage in China is not the kind of marriage that we know it today. It is an alliance of two families rather than an alliance of two lovers. The bride and the groom desires and choices were taken into consideration only if they are not contrary to the concern and interest of the family[v].   There is a high range of parental involvement in the marriage choices of their children. As a matter of fact, parents often initiate the matchmaking most especially in urban areas. It is also said that mothers have exercised more influence in their children’s marriages than fathers as a general rule[vi]. Women have the greatest burden in them because they are expected to behave in certain fashion and to have the perfect qualities of a wife. In general, a bride is expected to have accomplished her three major responsibilities. It is believed that to fall short of these expectations would bring disgrace to herself, her parents, and to her clan. First of these three obligations would be to perform domestic duties. This would include cooking, sewing, embroidering, taking care of children, and other domestic roles that she is taught and expected to learn and practice by heart and soul such as Mrs. Wenqing in A Posthumous Son by Ye Shaojun. Second of these obligations would be to attend to the needs and comfort of her husband and other elders. This is understood as not only doing domestic roles but also to be there for the husband in times of both physical and emotional needs. The third and the most important of all are the bearing and the raising of a male descendant[vii]. It is the fulfillment of the last obligation that a woman’s position and authority in the family is greatly hinged. It is believed that having a son is highly important because it is the only way to assure the continuity of the family line. If she can’t have a natural son, she would adopt from other family members and relatives. The family could also hire a concubine where the father could bear a child with. The child will then become a member of the family with the first wife as the acting mother of the child. He will then be incorporated in the first family as an heir as if he is a natural son of the first couple.     Throughout the lifetime of a married Chinese woman, she is totally confined within the sphere of her residence and her domestic roles. She can only have occasional trips to temples, scenic spots, and house of a relative but for the most part of her life she is confine in the four corners of the house of her husband[viii]. Not only are women depicted in this kind of roles and predicament in the society but also in literature. There are a lot of criticisms over the silencing of women not only in everyday life situations but also in literature[ix]. In particular, a Chinese household is represented primarily by a long string of ancestors that is traced back from one senior male to another senior male. This lineage is defined by the relationship of a father to his son and from brother to brother. In this sense, women are generally outsiders. They are only necessary for so long as they can reproduce sons and heirs. Otherwise, they are aliens in the husband’s family. After she is married to her husband, she is to retain her natal surname because she is expected to maintain links of her birth family to secure political alliances. This is only for this purpose, other than this; she is also an alien to her birth family as well. This means one thing, the woman is only recognized as a member of the family and as a blood relative for so long as they are beneficial to the ties. In other words, she is really an outsider to their personal lives. Daughters are only considered as a temporary member of his father’s household because she is expected to be married to her husband. Moreover, daughter also does not have a share in her father’s land and other properties[x]. In the stories that will discussed in the next paragraphs, it is evident that the role of women in the domestic sphere and the positions that they occupy in the household and in the family results not only to their inferiority but also to their demise and fall. This pre-determined roles that they have which is both imposed by the society and defined by patriarchal ideologies is the very reason why women in traditional China ended up to their graveyards and their misfortunes. This is also true in literature, the prescribed roles that women have in the household outline their troubles, grief, and fate. The roles that they have to fulfill for the benefit of the family are seldom appreciated and were never enough for their male counterparts. These demise and misfortune that they experienced and will experience could be explained not only because of their imposed traditional roles but also to their relationship with men especially their husbands. Women’s powerlessness coupled with men’s authority is the main reason why women’s lives fall apart. Because of these two factors, women are sent to their fall. First, they are unable to decide for themselves because of the prescribed roles imposed by the society. Second, they are unable to defy the norms because of a patriarchal authority and power that they are made to succumb to. These two factors work hand in hand to oppressed women not only in the society but also in literature. The heroines in the four stories that are to be discussed next will contextualize the abovementioned claim that this paper is espousing. At the onset, women are expected to accomplish all the three obligations that she is expected to have. The third and the most important one which is already mentioned earlier would be to produce an heir. In A Posthumous Son, the wife’s predicament started when she is unable to produce a son after several attempts. The first child was a daughter. The second up to the seventh one is also a daughter which saddened the mother and angered the father. It is evident that the Chinese tradition dislikes daughters. In Mr. Wenqing’s opinion: â€Å"But the third one was also a girl. This was getting a bit irritating. We’re not gardeners, what can we do with all these flowers, even if they do look pretty; as far as keeping us company in our old age is concerned, we don’t need that many! And then the fourth one was also a girl! I can’t help feeling that there must be something wrong with the way your body works, if it can only produce girls and nothing else. What’s the point in producing the same thing time after when what we need is some variety[xi]†. This quote suggest more than the dislike of daughters but also of attributing the entire fault to the woman. This statement by the father asserts his authority over the woman. Moreover, it also reasserts the responsibilities of the woman to produce a son. It is evident that all throughout the story the only concern of both the mother and the father was to produce a son and nothing else. As a matter of fact, the mother has already compensated her attention towards her other kids because of her desire to produce an heir. However, this desire is not wholly for her sake but only for the sake of the husband. It is evident that she is willing to undergo several pregnancies which are dangerous to her health just for the sake of fulfilling her obligation to her husband. â€Å"Nevertheless she did not give way to despair, since she retained her faith in her child-bearing capacity. Once more she pleaded him, ‘Please wait one more time, just this once! If there’s no change this time, I won’t stand in your way any longer. I don’t want to make things worse for either of us[xii]’† Furthermore, this story also affirms the earlier assertion that the role of a woman is reduced to their abilities to accomplish the very important obligation of hers which is to produce an heir. Otherwise, they can be replaceable and will be considered as a stranger or an alien in the household. The husband has in fact considered replacing her and has replaced her with another woman which can give him a son. â€Å"Only girls, never anything else! You can’t blame me, I’ve been as patient as any man could be, I’ve got no choice but to get another woman.[xiii].† This suggests that the relationship of husband and wife in the Chinese household is really all about having an heir and never about love and support. This is also true in the story Slaves’ Mother in which the father hired a concubine. Moreover, he was even willing to spend a fortune just for him to have a son with the second mother. This responsibility outlines the worth of the woman. In which case, it depresses her when she cannot fulfill them because this responsibility is equal to her life and her survival. As a matter of fact, it is evident that in the story she was likewise devastated as her husband when she found out that she cannot produce anything else but daughters. When she was still unable to produce a son, she was so sad that she wept almost always. Finally, when she was able to give birth to a son, it was believed that she was able to restore her dignity. Together with this, she has also restored her position in the household as a wife replacing the concubine’s role. â€Å"The senior’s wife dignity was from this point on restored, and all were unanimous in her praise. ‘Fortune’s caught up with her now,’ they agreed. She herself was very clear and now she was fully entitled to make demands[xiv].†This means that the fulfillment of the obligation is the only factor why she enjoyed that position. When the son died, she went back to her original demise. The death of the son even further caused the demise and the fall of the entire family when her husband died or committed suicide in the river. In this kind of situation, the woman’s reason for living is reduce to her functions and not to her essence as a living being. The story is a commentary of two things. First, women’s roles in the household are always upheld to the extent that it becomes the very essence of her existence. Second, the man can do whatever he pleases and can alienate the woman as long he wanted provided that she is unable to fulfill her responsibilities. The demise of the woman will have to result to the fall of the whole family which is a reaffirmation of the secret power that the woman has in the family which is seldom appreciated and recognized. Another story entitled the Slaves’ Mother by Rou Shi as mentioned earlier is also a commentary on how a woman is expected to fulfill her responsibilities both as a wife and a producer of an heir. However, the story added another element to the role of the woman, that is, breadwinning. But everything still boils down to her obligation to provide an heir to another man. The wife’s predicament in this story is different from the first story in the sense that she is not fertile to produce nothing but daughters. Her demise lies in the fact that her husband cannot earn a living because of his disease. This shifts the burden of breadwinning to the wife which was likewise left without a choice. This story is a commentary on the role of the wife to the household as different to the prescribed as far as it is in relation to his original husband. Instead of just being a wife, the woman is attributed a different role, that is, to earn a living for the husband and the child. In the words of the husband: â€Å"There is nothing for it. If we go on this way we’ll even be selling our little cooking pots before long. Looks as though you’ll have to provide the solution. No use your staying and starving with me.[xv]† This is a blunt admission on the part of the man that he can no longer support the family which is supposed to be his responsibility. In this sense, the role of the woman is uplifted to a higher level than the man but is still hinged unto the main obligations that a woman should take part in as the society. But this does not last for very long because the woman was still restricted to her traditional role as a wife in her second husband’s household. She was still expected to produce a son which she was able to accomplish. However, even with this, she was still brought to her failure by losing both sons away from her. When she gave birth to the second son, she was longing for the first. When she was finally with the firs son, she was longing for the second. This can be explained through the previous line of thought already mentioned earlier. The very essence of a woman’s role has become the very essence of her existence. Without the fruits of his responsibilities which are her sons, she cannot survive. Her worth is measured through her ability to produce an heir. In the story, even if the woman has successfully undergone the responsibility in an easy manner, still she lost both sons. The firs son was lost because she was not able to take care of him due to her being away from her. The second son was lost because he was simply not destined to be hers since she was just a second wife. Secondly, the authority of the first husband is also evident as she was unable to defy his orders when he ordered she had to be sold to another man for the family to be able to eat. This is another factor to the fall of the woman in the story. It is evident that everything the husband told her is a matter of compliance on the part of the wife. She was willing to leave her two-year old son just to fulfill the orders of the husband. She was willing to endure the pain of giving birth to another child because her husband told her so. Even at the end of the story, the husband was still very authoritative. â€Å"Neither she nor her husband spoke. As night fell his drooping head straightened up and she said: ‘Cook us a meal’[xvi].†

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Trigonometry :: essays research papers

Trigonometry Trigonometry uses the fact that ratios of pairs of sides of triangles are functions of the angles. The basis for mensuration of triangles is the right- angled triangle. The term trigonometry means literally the measurement of triangles. Trigonometry is a branch of mathematics that developed from simple measurements. A theorem is the most important result in all of elementary mathematics. It was the motivation for a wealth of advanced mathematics, such as Fermat's Last Theorem and the theory of Hilbert space. The Pythagorean Theorem asserts that for a right triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. There are many ways to prove the Pythagorean Theorem. A particularly simple one is the scaling relationship for areas of similar figures. Did Pythagoras derive the Pythagorean Theorem or did he piece it together by studying ancient cultures; Egypt, Mesopotamia, India and China? What did these ancient cultures know about the theorem? Where was the theorem used in their societies? In "Geometry and Algebra in Ancient Civilizations", the author discusses who originally derived the Pythagorean Theorem. He quotes Proclos, a commentator of Euclid's elements, "if we listen to those who wish to recount the ancient history we may find some who refer this theorem to Pythagoras, and say that he sacrificed an ox in honor of his discovery". If this statement is considered as a statement of fact, it is extremely improbable, for Pythagoras was opposed to the sacrifice of animals, especially cattle. If the saying is considered as just a legend, it is easy to explain how such a legend might have come into existence. Perhaps the original form of the legend said something like he who discovered the famous figure sacrificed a bull in honor of his discovery. Van der Waerden goes on to comment that he believes the original discoverer was a priest, before the time of Babylonian texts, who was allowed to sacrifice animals and also was a mathematician. This question can never be answered, but evidence that societies used the theorem before the time of Pythagoras can be found. The Theorem is useful in everyday life. For example, at a certain time of day, the sun's rays cast a three foot shadow off a four foot flag pole. Knowing these two lengths, and the fact that the pole forms a ninety degree angle with the ground, the distance from the end of the shadow to the top of the pole can be found without measuring. The first step is to substitute the given data

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Digital Fortress Chapter 8

The twin-engine Learjet 60 touched down on the scorching runway. Outside the window, the barren landscape of Spain's lower extremadura blurred and then slowed to a crawl. â€Å"Mr. Becker?† a voice crackled. â€Å"We're here.† Becker stood and stretched. After unlatching the overhead compartment, he remembered he had no luggage. There had been no time to pack. It didn't matter-he'd been promised the trip would be brief, in and out. As the engines wound down, the plane eased out of the sun and into a deserted hangar opposite the main terminal. A moment later the pilot appeared and popped the hatch. Becker tossed back the last of his cranberry juice, put the glass on the wet bar, and scooped up his suit coat. The pilot pulled a thick manila envelope from his flight suit. â€Å"I was instructed to give you this.† He handed it to Becker. On the front, scrawled in blue pen, were the words: KEEP THE CHANGE. Becker thumbed through the thick stack of reddish bills. â€Å"What the†¦?† â€Å"Local currency,† the pilot offered flatly. â€Å"I know what it is,† Becker stammered. â€Å"But it's†¦ it's too much. All I need is taxi fare.† Becker did the conversion in his head. â€Å"What's in here is worth thousands of dollars!† â€Å"I have my orders, sir.† The pilot turned and hoisted himself back into the cabin. The door slid shut behind him. Becker stared up at the plane and then down at the money in his hand. After standing a moment in the empty hangar, he put the envelope in his breast pocket, shouldered his suit coat, and headed out across the runway. It was a strange beginning. Becker pushed it from his mind. With a little luck he'd be back in time to salvage some of his Stone Manor trip with Susan. In and out, he told himself. In and out. There was no way he could have known.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Comparing and Contrast the Allegory of the Cave and the Matrix

Have you ever wondered whether, Plato, if he were alive in the 20 century, would he be a brilliant movie director, with productions that earned more than $400 million? Both Plato’s â€Å"Allegory of Cave† and Andy and Lana Wachowski’s movie â€Å"The Matrix† explore the abstruse question of perception of truth. What is truth, and how do we determine what is truth? â€Å"I know this steak doesn't exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious. This quote from the Matrix vividly illustrates the truth that how people perceive is the way they think, their realization of the truth is due to the world in which they live. Different people may have different perceptions of knowledge, which leads them to a distinct understanding of truth. It is about personal experience seeking the truth, in the process to knowledge – an image does not accurately reflect reality that is the challenge for both Socr ates and Neo, the protagonist in the Matrix.Considering one day there is a chicken that has lived with ducks since he was born, and never seen other chicken. Will that chicken ever know he is a chicken, or even when he sees other chicken, does he know it is a chicken? The prisoners in the cave have been chained together and have been separated from the outside world since birth. Consequently, their perceptions of objects are based on the shadows of those things, shadows produced by firelight in the cave as true representations. The environment where they have lived creates a world basic on their perception of things.Like Plato mentioned in the story: â€Å"To them, I said, the truth would be literally nothing but the shadows of the images. † The prisoners form their own opinion about things they perceive as true representation. By comparison, people who live in the Matrix accept the buildings and the things around them as the truth. However, the truth they have been accepting is merely their opinion, but no necessarily an opinion formed through knowledge. â€Å"If real is what you can feel, smell, taste and see, then ‘real' is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain†.This quote identities are the result of opinions formed their brains. The tunnel in the Allegory of Cave and the red pill in The Matrix are the keys that open the door of knowledge for them. In the world of the Matrix, or the Cave, where everyone accepts objects as the truth, and real, like the shadows on the wall of the cave, this is a way to realize truth, to decide to walk through the tunnel and to pick a red pill, is a choice to enter a world of knowledge. As it is mentioned in the Matrix, â€Å"You take the blue pill – the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.You take the red pill – you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes. † In both the story and the movie, everyone is so c lose to knowledge of the truth that they just need to put their foot across the threshold; nevertheless, it is the hardest step to enter door in their mind. It is a leap of faith into the unknown. â€Å"And if he is compelled to look straight at the light, will he not have a pain in his eyes which will make him turn away to take and take in the objects of vision which he can see, and which he will conceive to be in reality clearer than the things which are now being shown to him? This quote amply illustrates that everything is decided in their mind, it is their choice, and although Socrates and Neo suffer some physical discomfort in making the journey, they are now in the world of knowledge, the world of real truth. The profound brilliance of the sun can provide another source of discomfort, it cannot be seen directly through human eyes due to the intensity of the power it emits. Similarly, Socrates and Neo experience some physical suffering, such as, pain in their eyes and muscle problems while witnessing at true light for the first time. Why does my muscle hurt? Because you never used it. † This conversation dramatizes the difficulty faced by people as they make the transition from the limited world they know to the real world. The process of accepting and being able to â€Å"see† the real world is arduous; and comes about as a result of enormous changing in their belief and challenging knowledge of what they have long accepted. Knowledge is a concept that many philosophers, over thousands of years, strive to experience.Knowledge can be extremely powerful, but it can be illusive as well; however, once into the world of knowledge, people can distinguish the real truth from what they help as true. â€Å"And the first he will see the shadows best, next the reflections of men and other objects in the water†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦,Last of he will be able to see the sun,†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ and he will contemplate him as he is. † Plato believed that, as long as there is a gradual process of adapting to the light, Socrates will be available adjust, and to see through the essence of things.In Plato’s Allegory of Cave, Socrates is fully aware of the truth after a process of adjusting to the light of real world, and then he returns to the cave and tries to teach to the others, the truth he has discovered. â€Å"Men would say of him that up he went and down†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ and they would put him to death. † In spite of his efforts, the chained prisoners reject the real world due to the pain that is brought to them by the lights, they prefer to maintain the illusion of the images they saw as truer representations than the objects in the real world. Similarly, Cypher, the character in the Matrix, has been freed to see the real world.Unlike people who accept the truth and try to fight the agents in the Matrix, Cypher wants to go back to Matrix without knowing anything about real world. â€Å"The Matrix isn't real. I disagree, Trini ty. I think that the Matrix can be more real than this world. † People who free themselves may not perceive reality, like Cypher, he chooses go back to the Matrix because there is less suffering than in the real world. The same as the prisoners in Plato’s story, they would rather accept the illusion they see as truth, than go to the real world due to the pain it brings to them.Knowledge is the place where people want to be but may not necessarily be able to be in there. Even for people in the world of truth, the real world, who may also be bogged down in their search for truth, as apart from what they accepted before; this takes people’s mind to accept the changes from the previous knowledge held. In the Matrix, Neo does not confirm the truth in the real world where he is, until he accepts the training offered by Morpheus. Moreover, near the end of the movie, he makes the simple statement: â€Å"My name†¦is Neo! in which he accepts himself in the real world instead of the name, Thomas Anderson, used in the Matrix – a world build by computer programs. In comparison to the Allegory of the Cave, Socrates accepts the truth after he adapts to the real world and sees things clearly in the real world. As it is mentioned in the story â€Å"Last he will be able to see the sun†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦; and he will contemplate him as he is† No one can enlighten anyone else toward the world of knowledge, people have to enlighten themselves in their own minds.What is truth? The truth itself is a personal definition and realization of things in the world around us. Truth is a concept that seeks deeply to be defined in people’s minds; everyone has their subjective opinion of what truth it is. In both the story and the movie, some people realize the real truth but others do not; there is no right or wrong, just different view toward knowledge. Even now, the truth that people are accepting is not truth; even truth itself may not be truth.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Nursing Knowledge Essays

Nursing Knowledge Essays Nursing Knowledge Essay Nursing Knowledge Essay Over the years, nursing has evolved not only as a profession but also a hands-on discipline. Nursing is a theory-based practice that evolves and grows continuously through research. Fawcett (1984) defined nursing’s metaparadigm as the overall overview of nursing which consists the concepts of person, environment, health and nursing. Nursing practice began to evolve in the early 18th century. I will be exploring the different major influences that have altered the practice of nursing to what it is today, namely the traditional role of women, feminism, religion, military, apprenticeship, technology and medicine. In the 19th century, the role of women was traditionally one of a homemaker. She was responsible for the care of the family and managed all aspects of their household. Women’s role as a domestic specialist has many similarities with the nurses’ roles. According to Hughes’ (1990), the ideology of domesticity rationalised nursing as a legitimate, if temporary, occupation for women. Nurses had difficulty identifying themselves as professionals due to the perception of the society of their nursing roles. As a socially defined duty of women, caring for others was not seen by society as necessitating the specialised expertise that typified the work of a professional† (Hughes, 1990). This stressed the society’s perception that nursing is a women’s work by society. Over the years, this idea has changed as the roles of women in society became more important and the role of nurses became more defined. While it is still largely dominated by women we have seen an increasing trend of male nurses joining the nursing profession, not only in Singapore but also worldwide. In reference to a Sunday Times article by Nur Dianah Suhaimi in 2009, she mentioned that out of the 18,400 active nurses in Singapore, 7. 5% are male. There has also been an increase of male nurses in the profession over the years. Statistics showed that there were 998 male nurses active in the nursing workforce in 2001 and 1,363 in 2007 (Singapore Nursing Board [SNB], 2008). More male students are also enrolling themselves in the nursing programmes offered by different institutions in Singapore, namely Nanyang Polytechnic, Ngee Ann Polytechnic and National University of Singapore (Suhaimi, 2009). In an excerpt of an interview with the director of the School of Health Sciences in Ngee Ann Polytechnic, one of the institutions that offers the diploma in nursing studies, she mentions how Singaporean parents are less hesitant about their sons taking up nursing (Phang, 2009). â€Å"Australia and the United Kingdom claim a 10 percent male nursing workforce, while recent statistics place the male nurse workforce in the United States at 6 percent, up from just 2. 7 percent in 1980† (University of Pittsburgh, n. d. ). In my opinion, this is a positive change as men become more willing to take up the challenges of nursing. This change also further reiterates the changing view of nursing as a stereotypical female profession. Male nurses play a vital role in the profession. Besides having the skills and knowledge of nursing, their masculinity is an added incentive in restraining violent patients and assisting heavier patients in their ambulation. The change in view and statistics also reflect the change ideology that nurses no longer act as handmaidens and instead as an allied professional in healthcare. As nursing has been perceived as a female dominated profession, feminism in the profession is inevitable. According to Bunting Campbell (1990), feminism has been defined â€Å"as a world view that values women and that confronts systematic injustices based on gender. † Feminism began back in the late 1300s with Christine de Pisan being the first feminist who wrote about the feminist theory that transformed modern thinking of women’s roles in society. There were different views of feminism such as enlightened liberals, cultural feminism and radical feminism. The feminists typically disagreed with each other as they had â€Å"different philosophic points of view† (Bunting, 1990). These views would then alter the perception of nursing. Problems between the act of nursing and the idea of feminism began to arise in the 1960s, during the second wave of the feminist movement. During this period, women faced the battle for access to education, the professions, and freedom from abuse and exploitation occurred (Sullivan, 2002). When nursing leaders were torn between feminism and professionalism, many chose professionalism instead as they had more dedication with the sanitary ideal and not to the feminist mission (Bunting, 1990). However, the connection between nursing and feminism should be minimal. â€Å"â€Å"Nursing can embrace the movement because equality benefits individuals, society, and, thus, the recipients of nurses care† (Sullivan, 2002). In my opinion, nurses face different, individual experience everyday. They identify themselves as nurses and comparing with other women workers. Whilst the feminist movement has indeed made a mark in nursing history by allowing nurses to be advocators of the women’s movement, equal rights should be handed to men to be involved and be a part of the nursing profession. In the 19th century, designs of the nursing uniforms were greatly influenced by the church, the military and the servant (Campbell et al. , 1999). According to Ellies and Hartley (2008), the nuns influenced early uniforms, which were starched white and covered from head to toe inclusive of a nursing cap. As such, this projected a â€Å"professional image for nursing, giving it status, respect and authority† (Ellies Hartley, 2008, p. 156). The white uniform â€Å"communicated an impression of confidence, competence, professionalism, authority, role identity, and accountability† (Ellis Hartley, 2008, p. 56). However, by the 1970s, a lot of changes were made to the uniform. One such example would be that hospitals no longer require the nursing cap. This aspect of the uniform was generally found impractical for nurses while carrying out their duties and also for infection control purposes. In the present day, it is observed that there are many changes made to the nursing uniform. Many institutions have incorporated the scrub suits as their uniform as they are found to be more comfortable and ease movements when performing tasks. For example, in Singapore, the nurses’ uniforms are easily identified by the general society despite its differing designs of the various hospitals. Emphasis has been stressed on the importance of donning the proper attire so as to project a professional image of nursing. In World War II, nurses were a part of the military and were appointed as officers. This gave them autonomy and also status in the military. Being in the military, a nurse officer has to be disciplined and adhere to uniform codes, follow rules, and respect the higher ranked officers. The military have a strong influence on nursing till the present day. For example, role calls are in place at the beginning of a shift so as to address issues in our workplace. As with most other organisations, there is a hierarchial system. The position in the hierarchy determines the power and respect one will have in the organisation. This will in turn teach nurses to be more disciplined, display more respect towards the individuals in the upper hierarchy and also towards each other. In the military, the senior officers will guide and hand down their knowledge to the junior officers. Similarly in nursing, an experienced staff will guide and teach junior nurses who have just joined the force, newly graduated nurses or nursing students. The experienced staff would then play a leadership role and an educator role. Also, it allows the new staff or nursing students to be exposed to the nursing environment and are able to practise the skills that they have learnt theoretically. Reading Benner’s (1982) article, I understood the methods of classifying nurses into â€Å"novice, advanced beginner, competent, proficient and expert† individuals. Benner listed out some examples of nurses in different stages of nursing practice to determine the most appropriate classification using a scientific model by Stuart and Hubert Dreyfus. Reading the article and reflecting on my current experience as a nurse, I believe that I am in between an advanced beginner and a competent nurse. Although I am no longer a novice, I encounter difficulties in keeping up with the different types of occurrences during work such as delivering the best nursing care to my patients with other things in mind. At times, I struggle with time management. I was given the preceptor role where I am responsible in guiding a newly graduated nurse. This taught me to prioritise my work and deal with time management. It provided me with the experience of having an educator role and the opportunity to teach. Experiential knowledge, as Benner identified, is widely observed in the nursing world. This group of nurses has the ability to diagnose a patient’s psychosis stage without any scientific means (Benner, 1982). Experience, in addition to formal education preparation, is required to develop this competency since it is impossible to learn ways of being and coping with an illness solely by concept or theorem† (Benner, 1982). With Benner’s classification of nurses in mind, nurses’ knowledge has changed with the advancement of technology in nursing. Over the years, technology has become an essential tool in every individual’s everyday life. With the introduction of tech nology, patient’s care and treatment is enhances while nurses need to acquire knowledge on the skills and keep up with it. In the 19th century, technology was mainly used to store patient medical records or to aid in the calculation of the patient’s hopitalisation bills. Presently, in Singapore, and I believe in many other countries, most of the hospitals have gone â€Å"paperless†. With the help of computers, nurses’ notes and patient’s medication record are now entered electronically through the various programmes designed specifically for nurses and nursing documentation. Technology in healthcare has its advantages and disadvantages. With computerized record, point-of care testing such as testing the patient’s blood glucose levels can be verified electronically and do not require a handwritten record. As the health systems are mostly integrated, healthcare providers all over the country can easily access the patient’s record allowing the continuity and consistency of care for the patient. Healthcare providers can maximize the availability of the hospital’s intranet to look up on information, policies or work procedures as and when they need to. This will help to keep nurses up to date on the current nursing practices or policies. Although there are advantages, there is also a downside. Confidentiality is an issue. Although all systems require an individual password access, there are risks of illegal hacking into the main system and these illegal intruders may have an access to the confidential records of various patients. Hence, a high level of security should be in place to protect these systems. The healthcare system in Singapore aims to be a â€Å"paperless† organization as they believe that the change would benefit the nurses by easing their workloads. However, in my opinion, it is an additional workload and a complex task for nurses to assess documentation through the programmes on the computer. The hospital has recently introduced these systems. However they have to consider the time required for the nurses in order for them to acquire the skills in order to carry them out competently. For example, in the current practice, when serving medications, we need to verify patient’s identifiers against a Personal Digital Assistant or PDA, which lists patient’s medical records and identification. For novice nurses who just learnt on how to use the PDA, they will have difficulty in the administration of medication to the individual patient as it may be time-consuming. As such, the completion of the nurses’ workload will be delayed, resulting in a further delay in the delivery of care to the patient. With the advancement in technology and the evolution of nursing, Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) has been continuously put into use in nursing research. Evidence-based nursing is drawn from the evidence-based medicine collaboration that is predicated on rules of evidence that value strictly controlled, data-based studies and research critique† (Winch, 2002). â€Å"EBP first began in medicine and is expanding to all of health care† (Ellies Hartley, 2008). As nursing is becoming increasingly scientific, it is no surprise that a comparison is drawn between the nursing and doctoral profession. Henderson (1981) highlighted how similar the nursing roles are in the nurs ing process when compared with the roles of the physicians. This further illustrates Henderson’s belief that the nursing process is leaning towards the science of nursing. With the development of EBP, it has somehow contradicted with Carper’s (1978) article. In Carper’s article, she identified the four patterns of knowing; empirics which refers to the science of nursing, esthetics which is the art of nursing, personal knowledge which is based on experience and ethics which is the component of moral knowledge in nursing. Porter (2010) argues that Carper’s patterns of knowing have been challenged by EBP. Porter (2010) also mentioned, â€Å"the new problem of EBP requires nurses to change the shape and patterns of knowing to respond to the challenge it represents. The challenge involves its threat to reduce nursing knowledge to a very narrow form of empirics. † The sources that were chosen for this essay cover a wide range of opinions and concepts. From the traditional role of women to feminism and to how nursing developed by religious and military influences, the authors have in many ways potrayed the various varying points of view that influences the nursing discipline. With the new advancements and changes in nursing practice, nurses should bear in mind that they should always deliver the best nursing care to their patients. Nurses need to constantly upgrade themselves in order to be kept up to date with the latest development and practice in nursing in line with the advancement of technology. References Benner, P. (1982). From novice to expert. American Journal of Nursing, March, p. 402 – 407. Bunting, S. , Campbell, J. C. (1990). Feminism and nursing: Historical Perspectives. Advances in Nursing Science, 12(4), p 11 – 24. Carper, B. (1978). Fundamental patterns of knowing in nursing. Advances in Nursing Science, 31(4), p 296 – 307. Doheny, M. O. , Cook, C. B. , Stopper, M. C. (1997). The Discipline of Nursing: An Introduction (4th ed. ). Stamford, Connecticut: Appleton Lange. Ellis, J. R. , Hartley, C. L. (2008). Nursing in Today’s World: Trends, Issues, Management (9th ed. ). USA: Lippincott Williams Wilkins. Fawcett, J. (1984). The metaparadigm of nursing: Present status and future refinements. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 16(3), p 77 – 87. Henderson, V. A. (1982). The nursing process – is the title right?. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 7, p 103 – 109. Hughes, L. (1990). Professionalizing domesticity: A synthesis of selected nursing historiography. Advances in Nursing Science, 12 (4), p 25 31. Lefebvre, M. (2003). Nursing uniforms: dead or alive?. Nursing News, 27(4). Porter, S. (2010). Fundamental patterns of knowing in nursing: The challenge of evidence-based practice. Advances in Nursing Science, 33 (1), p 3 – 14. Suhaimi, N. D. (2009, March 31). Who says nursing is for sissies? The Straits Times. Retrieved from siaone. com/News/Education/Story/A1Story20090330-132089. html Sullivan, E. J. (2002). Nursing and feminism: An uneasy alliance. Journal of Professional Nursing. 18 (4), p 183-184. University of Pittsburgh . (n. d). Nursing: Options and Opportunities [Brochure]. Pittsburgh, PA: Author. Winch, S. , Creedy, D. , Chaboyer, W. (2002). Governing nursing conduct: The rise of evidence-based practice, Nursing Inquiry, 9 (3), p 156 – 161. Zerwekh, J. , Claborn, J. (2006). Nursing Today: Transition and Trends (5th ed. ). St. Louis, Missouri: Saunders Elsevier.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Dilemmas in General Theory of Planning Essays

Dilemmas in General Theory of Planning Essays Dilemmas in General Theory of Planning Paper Dilemmas in General Theory of Planning Paper 1960. On the Choice of Objectives in Systems Studies. In: Santa Monica: The RAND Corporation, p. 19. W.J.Rittel, H. A ; Webber, M. M. , 1973. Dilemmas in a General Theory of Planning. In:Policy Sciences 4.Amsterdam-Printed in Scotland: Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, pp. 155-169.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Top 9 Job Market Trends Youll See in 2017- TheJobNetwork

Top 9 Job Market Trends Youll See in 2017- TheJobNetwork There are a lot of variables going into any given year that might affect the job market or economic climate in general. In 2017, with new administrations, this is even more true. Fortunately, there are a few trends we already know we can expect for this year. 1. Candidate/Employee SatisfactionAfter facing a lot of bad press for subpar candidate experience and employee dissatisfaction, companies are now trying to boost their PR by proving that they have a constructive and better experience for applicants. Companies are also paying attention to employee loyalty and retention and how to boost those things. Data scientists are starting to pay attention to the HR process in general. This means it’s going to be a better environment for new hires and job seekers if these trends keep up.2. AutomationThis has been a worry for years, but it seems only to be trending more and more. Blue collar jobs in manual labor and manufacturing have long been impacted, and that impact will only grow. But tech jobs and other white collar opportunities are likely to shrink, as analytic tools are becoming more automated as computers get smarter. If you’re in a job likely to be replaced by automation, start figuring out how to tweak or transition now while you’re not up against any walls.3. Awareness of Gendered PayCompanies are finally starting to pay attention to the fact that women are paid consistently less for doing the same work. Employers will hopefully start taking action in 2017 to correct this pay gap.4. Goodbye GigsThe so-called gig economy isn’t going to be so dominant. (And, in fact, only about 4.3% of the population makes money from platforms like Uber, Airbnb, etc.) Jobs are prizing creativity, judgment, personal skills, and critical thinking- all things that require working as a team and don’t allow for as much location or schedule flexibility.5. A Decrease in  BenefitsFewer and fewer companies are offering benefits- let alone the flash y packages of Cadillac perks. Say goodbye to free food, gym passes, game pods, on-site acupuncture, even paid leave. If you can get a pension and health care, you’ll be doing really well.6. The Rise of FreelanceMore and more, the â€Å"blended† workforce will become a dominant thing, with teams being built of long-term and freelance employees. Offices will hire on-demand to get out of offering benefits or to handle short-term projects on a case by case basis. As much as 40% of the workforce might be freelance in the coming year.7. Constant ReviewThe concept of the â€Å"annual review† is on the wane. Expect to be evaluated more casually, more often, and without the usual warning/on-boarding.8. Emphasis on â€Å"The Team†The concept of the team will reign supreme, and might even be more important than individual performance. Companies will start to restructure, making teams a huge priority, and focusing on â€Å"organizational design.†9. Casual Cult ureCasual Fridays attire might become the norm. Fewer and fewer jobs are requiring employees to show up in suits and ties these days. Company cultures are becoming a bit more open, with shared workspace and lax dress codes. Don’t let this affect your performance though; that should never be casual!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Process control Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Process control - Essay Example This flow is usually expressed by plotting the valve travel on the (y-axis) against the flow percentage under constant pressure differential on the (X-axis). There are two main types of the inherent flow characteristics; these are linear and equal percentage. A control valve is said to be linear if its inherent flow characteristics can be represented on a graph by a straight line. The flow is usually directly proportional to the valve travel. It is a straight line when represented on a rectangular coordinate of flow rate F or % F or Cv or % Cv versus or against the percentage travel at the optimum condition of constant drop in valve pressure (DPv). It can be deduced that an equal increase in travel rate or opening position, m, results in an equal increase in flow F (or Cv) at constant valve pressure drop (DPv). If m represents travel and F represents the rate of flow, then, dm= k dF where K is a proportional constant. Therefore the valve gain or sensitivity is independent of flow rat e and valve opening. Shown by; Kv = Df/dm = constant The valve gain (Kv) is the slope or tangent of the rectangular coordinate or plot drawn. The slope of the graph remains constant and independent of the flow rate. A control valve is said to be equal percentage if equal increase in valve travel or opening m (or Z) produces or results in equal percentage increase in flow F. If the situation emerges at the optimum condition of constant drop in valve pressure (DPv), the valve is said to be inherently equal percentage. The valve gain is not constant in this case but increase with an increase in flow rate. Therefore, when the control valve is just beginning to open at low flow rate, the valve gain is quite low and the change in flow is quite insensitive. At high flow during the upper portion of the travel, the valve gain is high which translates to rapid flow or sensitively for the same increase in valve travel. When plotting the flow rate against valve travel or position, the slope is flat near the initial travel position, but the slope increases drastically with the flow as the valve opens on the upper section of the travel. It can be shown by a straight line plotted on a semi-logarithmic paper for log F against m. The Quick open control valve characteristic is flattened in shape as opposed to the contoured valve plug. The flow of this valve increases rapidly up to the highest flow level with the least initial opening of the valve. In the lower section of travel position, the valve gain is so high for application and utilization in modulating control. The slope is then flat where the flow rate hardly increases with valve openings. Therefore, the Quick open control valve is restricted to a service of ON and OFF and in a specified application that needs discharge of flow. Applications of Control Valves Linear plugs are mostly used on the systems where the valve pressure drop in a major section of the total system pressure drop , where the valve is the major pressu re loss mechanism. Linear control valves are used in about 10-15 % of all applications. Linear control valves are also used in gas process. In the gas process, there is a large volume, decreasing DP with an increasing load DP at maximum load. The maximum load DP is greater than 20% of minimum load DP. It is also applied in the gas compressor recycle control valve. Also, the linear valves are

Principles of management questions answer Essay

Principles of management questions answer - Essay Example It is conducted by government agencies, the civil service and nonprofit agencies in well-established organizations. Job classification determines the level of compensation for a specific job category. Job classification ensures consistency in the evaluation process and a uniform classification criterion. The process is done by analyzing accountability, problem solving and know- how. Job classification is determined by three attributed including the pay rate, job family and job title (Khan 115). Job classification is an important aspect in hiring and recruitment as it leads to reorganization, identification of new positions and creation of new positions in an entity. Recruitment. Recruitment refers process undertaken by companies to get the best candidate for a job within the organization or outside the organization. This process entails evaluating the requirements for the job, screening the applicants, attracting employees to the job and incorporating new employees in the organizatio n (Khan 115). This process can be done internally or externally depending on the job classification and the nature of candidates the firm aims to attract. The process starts by the company trying to reach a high number of applicants through social media advertising, college and campus recruitment, newspaper advertisements and job postings on the company’s websites (Khan 117). After the potential candidates have been shortlisted, they screened to establish if they are qualified for the position. They are called upon to be interviewed and undertaken through other assessment methods. Their prospective employers check their background and their references. During the recruitment employees are interviewed are required to state their preferred amount for compensation. Selection. Employee selection is the process of given the job to the right candidate. Further, it entails matching the organizational needs with the qualifications and skills for the job. Efficient selection is done w here there is efficient job matching (Khan 111). This enables the company to hire employees that will deliver quality performance in the firm. The company also faces fewer cases of employee turnover and absenteeism. Appropriate screening takes place during the selection process. Selection is different from recruitment since it is more comprehensive and involves choosing the best candidate for the job. The process takes place in the following steps: Preliminary interview that eliminates candidates who do not meet the minimum eligibility. Application of blanks involves collection of data on qualifications, age and job experience. Several written tests including aptitude, intelligence and personality tests are done (Khan 118). Employment interviews are later conducted that involve as face-to-face communication between the interviewers and the candidates. Finally, the medical examination is done to ensure that the potential candidate is healthy. There is a relation between employee sele ction and evaluation. Compensation. Employee compensation includes all the financial and non- financial benefits given to employees for the work that they do. The financial benefits include salary and wages while the non- financial benefits includes social insurance and others forms of employee benefits (Khan 119). Compensation is based on the skills, experience and

Friday, October 18, 2019

Change Model Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Change Model - Research Paper Example The model requires that the implementation plan should begin by encouraging of the nursing staff to identify the practice questions that are either triggered through identification of a new knowledge or problem. In this plan, the model would that practice questions relating to the response to medical adherence to newly diagnosed young male with coronary heart disease be identified first. This will be essential in allocation of supporting resources to the top-most priorities. The next step that the model requires in implementation plan is formation of a team to develop, evaluate and implement the practice change. This team should be made up of stakeholders in the practice change; the team may include unit managers, interdisciplinary colleagues, and the staff nurses that identified the practice questions. Therefore, a team should be formed comprising of the aforementioned persons in order to effectively implement the plan (Reed and Lawrence, 2008). The model further requires that the team that has been formed should select, critique, review, and synthesize all the available research evidence relating to the implementation plan (Titler et al, 2001). In an event that the evidence is not sufficient, the team can make recommendations using lower evidence levels or by conducting additional research. If the evidence is adequate, then the practice can be initiated. After ascertaining this aspect, the team involved in this implementation plan should pilot the practice change in a bid to determine the effectiveness and feasibility. If the results of the pilot projects are positive, the team should facilitate integration and roll-out of the practice through continuous monitoring of outcomes, education, and leadership support. Thereafter, the Iowa Model requires that the reports of the projects to be shared outside and within the organization through publications and presentations. The model emphasizes on this step as it is important in supporting the

Air Export Procedure Benchmarking for Thai Customs Process Literature review

Air Export Procedure Benchmarking for Thai Customs Process - Literature review Example Supply chain also includes coordination and collaboration between channel partners, who are suppliers, third party customer service providers, intermediaries and customers. According to Chen and Paulrag (2004), supply chain is the movement of materials right from their source to the end customer ,an illustration is given in the table below. Source: Chen and Paulrag (2004). Nagurney (2006) points out that supply chain is made up of the people, activities and resources including information involved in moving a product right from the supplier to the consumer. It is important tot note that note that multinational and international companies have incorporate exportation into their supply chains. Supply chain is no longer contained within country borders due to international trade and globalization. Supply chain can is involved on an international level at almost all the stages, whether it is vendor, manufacturing or at customer level. According to Murray,(2010), the global supply chain c ontinues to be complex and there is need for companies to adopt relevant ideas into their supply chain strategies. ... y performs in the export market is an antecedent to the firms committement in exporting, it also affects the manner in which managers define the various export strategies they use (Singh, 2002).It however clear that to effectively compete in the export market, affirm should ensure that there is appropriate logistics as they play a very vital role in the performance of the country’s export market. According to Cook (1999), firms around the world need to analyze marketing mix, the existing international environment the supply and demand network, strategies and marketing information as a pace setter for the way in which in the export market should be approached to maximize the potential in the foreign market share. Supply chain management in the export market could be related to corrective and preventive measures and customer service. Given that the supply chain management is crucial in the performance of the export market, countries should work towards establishing an efficient and effective customs administration for reliable services. According to Chowdhury,(1992) every country has a definite custom administration that is in accordance with its economic policies. A custom is an agency in a country that has the responsibility of safeguarding customs duties , collecting duties and controlling the movement of goods in and out of the country. Depending on a country’s policies and local legislation and regulation, some countries may not allow specific goods into or out of their territories due to some specific reasons. For example importation of goods that are highly manufactured within the country is prohibited by most customs to protect the businesses of local manufacturers. According to Widdowson (2008) customs duty is a tariff levied on all the goods that exported

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Personal Framework Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Personal Framework - Assignment Example In case whereby the patient is not able to respond to the nurse, the parents or relatives are entitled for the response. Whenever there is a complex situation concerning a certain client, more intensive care and extra resources is needed. This enables the nurses and key stakeholders identity the most appropriate category of nursing for the patients care reflecting on the environment factors, client and the nurse. Every professional has his or her expectations in the field of specialization. In the nursing practice, I have several expectations involved, which will enable me deliver the best possible outcome to the patients. With reference to the three-factor framework: client, nurse and environment factors, various nurses’ expectations can be outlined which help nurses in making effective decisions. The client factors are influenced by complexity, predictability and risk of negative outcomes from the client. Any nurse is able to deliver to a client who is less complex more pred ictable and has low risk of negative outcomes. The more complex the situation is, the more consultation is expected to deliver effectively. As a future nurse, I expect to be able to have self-sufficient practice in nursing and knowledge, which will guide me to deal with complexity of a client thereby establishing effective care and managing the health condition of this type of a client. I also expect to be able to deliver to clients such that they can realize predictable changes in their health conditions to identify their future care requirements. Regarding the nursing factors I anticipate to be able to offer safe and ethical care to the patients through leadership, decision making and through skills obtained from critical thinking. I look forward to be able to apply the knowledge and determine when and where to apply the acquaintance and considering the necessary resources for consultation. As a nurse, I should be able to recognize my competence and practice by being an expertise in the field of nursing. Most nurses enhance their competence and knowledge through proceed in education and experience which is not the case in most cases coz this does not always mean that that u will acquire a foundational competence like most competent nurses. One can become an expert in the nursing practice within his or her own nursing category. It is expected of me that I will be able to have time and resources for effective consultation to provide the best to the clients by being able to provide the paramount consultative results. Considering the environment factors, which are practice supporters, consultation resources and stability of environment, I expect these resources to be supportive in my decision-making. The environment should also be more stable for high proportion of nurses and many consultation resources, which will be more effective for me as a nurse to deliver best to my clients. With dedication and practice in the nursing practice, I will be in a position to a chieve goals and objectives. The goal of pursuing the nursing practice will be to provide safe, competent and ethical care to my clients or patients. As a nurse, I am accountable for the practice. I will only be able to achieve the above goal through commitment to developing and applying the practice standard by persistence, critical skills

Adjusting entries Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Adjusting entries - Assignment Example One of the steps included in the accounting cycle is the recording of adjusting entries. Adjusting entries are always needed every time a company prepares financial statements. At the end of the accounting cycle the four financial statements are ready to be prepared and published for the users of financial information. â€Å"Adjusting entries are needed to ensure that the revenue recognition and matching principles are followed† (Weygandt & Kieso & Kimmel, 2003, pg. 91). Adjusting entries are necessary because they are one of the steps of the accounting cycle. The fourth step of the accounting cycle is to journalize and post adjusting entries (Cliffnotes, 2011). Accounting entries exist to make sure revenues are recorded in the period in which they are earned, and expenses are recognized in the period in which they are incurred (Weygandt, et al. 2003). Accounting results are supposed to be reliable and accurate. The use of adjusting entries adds validity to the claim of accura cy in accounting work. A financial statement that benefits from adjusting entries is the balance sheet because adjusting entries allow accountants to adjust the assets, liabilities, and equity accounts. The four types of adjusting entries are prepaid expenses, unearned revenues, accrued expenses and accrued revenues. Prepaid expenses are expenses that are paid in cash by a company before they are consumed. These types of transactions occurred for a variety of reasons including contractual obligations. In the insurance industry it is common practice for insurance coverage to be signed in yearly contracts that must be paid in full prior to coverage starting. In this type of transaction the company receives benefits as time passes. An adjusting entry is necessary to record the actual consumption of the expense. These types of adjusting entries are typically recorded on a monthly basis. The journal entry to record this adjusting entry is a debit to insurance expense and a credit to prep aid expenses. Another example of a prepaid expense is the recording of depreciation. Depreciation is recorded through the passage of time on a monthly basis. The second type of adjusting entries is unearned revenues. Unearned revenues occur when a client pays in cash for a service that has not been provided to them. An unearned revenues account is considered a liability because the company that took the payment owes the service to the client. A practice in which unearned revenues are a common occurrence is in the law practice. A lot of companies pay corporate lawyers retainers to be on call for any legal problem that may occur in the future. The lawyer must record the transaction when they are originally paid as unearned revenue. When the lawyer provides a legal service for the client the liability is reduced through an adjusting entry. The adjusting entry to record a service rendered to a client that had an unearned revenue pending is a debit to unearned revenue and a credit to ser vice revenue. The third type of adjusting entry is accrued revenues. Accrued revenue refers to transactions in which the business earned an income, but has not yet received payment for the work. Accrued revenues can accumulate over time in cases such as unpaid rent. Sometimes accrued revenues occur as a consequence of the company not billing the customer at the time the service is rendered. The typical adjusting entry for accrued revenues once service is provided is a debit to account receivable and a credit to service revenue. Companies that always receive payment in the form of cash at the moment the service is provided would not accumulate any accrued revenues. The fourth type of adjusting

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Personal Framework Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Personal Framework - Assignment Example In case whereby the patient is not able to respond to the nurse, the parents or relatives are entitled for the response. Whenever there is a complex situation concerning a certain client, more intensive care and extra resources is needed. This enables the nurses and key stakeholders identity the most appropriate category of nursing for the patients care reflecting on the environment factors, client and the nurse. Every professional has his or her expectations in the field of specialization. In the nursing practice, I have several expectations involved, which will enable me deliver the best possible outcome to the patients. With reference to the three-factor framework: client, nurse and environment factors, various nurses’ expectations can be outlined which help nurses in making effective decisions. The client factors are influenced by complexity, predictability and risk of negative outcomes from the client. Any nurse is able to deliver to a client who is less complex more pred ictable and has low risk of negative outcomes. The more complex the situation is, the more consultation is expected to deliver effectively. As a future nurse, I expect to be able to have self-sufficient practice in nursing and knowledge, which will guide me to deal with complexity of a client thereby establishing effective care and managing the health condition of this type of a client. I also expect to be able to deliver to clients such that they can realize predictable changes in their health conditions to identify their future care requirements. Regarding the nursing factors I anticipate to be able to offer safe and ethical care to the patients through leadership, decision making and through skills obtained from critical thinking. I look forward to be able to apply the knowledge and determine when and where to apply the acquaintance and considering the necessary resources for consultation. As a nurse, I should be able to recognize my competence and practice by being an expertise in the field of nursing. Most nurses enhance their competence and knowledge through proceed in education and experience which is not the case in most cases coz this does not always mean that that u will acquire a foundational competence like most competent nurses. One can become an expert in the nursing practice within his or her own nursing category. It is expected of me that I will be able to have time and resources for effective consultation to provide the best to the clients by being able to provide the paramount consultative results. Considering the environment factors, which are practice supporters, consultation resources and stability of environment, I expect these resources to be supportive in my decision-making. The environment should also be more stable for high proportion of nurses and many consultation resources, which will be more effective for me as a nurse to deliver best to my clients. With dedication and practice in the nursing practice, I will be in a position to a chieve goals and objectives. The goal of pursuing the nursing practice will be to provide safe, competent and ethical care to my clients or patients. As a nurse, I am accountable for the practice. I will only be able to achieve the above goal through commitment to developing and applying the practice standard by persistence, critical skills

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Energy and socity Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Energy and socity - Lab Report Example Molecules absorb and emit energy principally emanating from:- 1. Electron excitation (Exemplified by atoms) 2. Rotational motion 3. Vibration motion The 2nd and 3rd energies are predominantly in molecules, where vibration energy emanates from their atoms’ bonds. Because bonds act like springs while expanding, contracting and bending, so as to produce or absorb energy. In addition, the three energies redistribute themselves in diverse portions of spectrum according to how they react to their preferred portions. Electronic energy dominates UV region while vibration and rotation energies are in the infrared parts. For an absorption or emission to happen within a certain molecule, it evidently depends on bond and atom type which constitutes that entity. N2 and O2 are diatomic gases whose atoms emanate from their parent element and they lack net change in their dipole moment. This implies that IR has no effect on them even though the waves pass through their bonds; hence they have poor absorption characteristics. Conversely, some dissimilar diatomic gases like CO and HC do absorb IR, but their characteristic atomic orientation makes them transitory. This forms an insignificant result on the greenhouse effect where exemplification of IR absorption cannot utilize this categorization. Sun radiations once they hit earth bounce off in the form of long-waves, where atmospheric gases absorb the escaping reflected them. Gases’ absorption is proportional to their distinct wave-lengths, thus shunning the radiations from escaping to the outer space. Figure 1 depicts escaping of solar radiations to the space, but H2O compared to CO2 has a wide range of absorption. The exemplified phenomena do not always exist despite H2O being most dominant, since at various occasions CO2 in regard to their concentration have greater absorption proportions. Figure 2 illustrates absorption of diverse gases and affirms water vapor as the dominant long-wave absorber. Figure 3 depicts diverse gases’ distributions in the ambiance according to their concentrations. Figure 1: Greenhouse Effect – Simplified. Retrieved from Figure 2: Greenhouse Effect - Long Wave Absorption. Retrieved from Figure 3: Relative Contributions of Greenhouse Gases. Retrieved from Purpose and hypothesis The core purpose of this lab report is to ascertain varying absorption of infrared photons by diverse GHGs and give clear deductions due to their characteristic behaviors. This encompasses expounding gases’ distinct characteristics coupled with why they adopt a distinct behavior. GHGs possess diverse absorption characteristics that enable them to act in a particular manner when subjected to infrared photons. These characteris tics contribute significantly to the greenhouse effect when solar short-wave after bouncing off the earth’s surface gets trapped by GHGs. H2O among the gases dominates with its overwhelming characteristics, but differ according to day’s air humidity. Procedure Procedure entails having an infrared photon source that produces diverse intensities and whose variations are adjustable. GHGs pass in the path of infrared photo

Monday, October 14, 2019

Beauty Pageants May Not Be Safe Essay Example for Free

Beauty Pageants May Not Be Safe Essay While pageants are said to present a sense of self-esteem and value for the participants, these competitions often cause damaging emotional issues for an already trying adolescent life. One young participant anonymously said, I used to think I was pretty, but once I got on stage and didnt hear my name called the world came to an end and from then on, Ive called myself ugly everyday (Anonymous, 2010). When a girl feels as if she is being valued solely on her looks, she may change her personality and dietary habits to an unsafe level to continuously garner attention. The beauty pageant process is far from the safe harmonious competition it attempts to promote. As the rest of this essay suggest, damaging emotional scars often remain after the competitions are long gone, and pageants themselves harbor predatory dangers to young naive girls. The first kind of emotional damage young girls face is an overemphasis on physical appearance and a willingness to maintain beauty at any cost. When a female participates in a beauty pageant, she is taught to win by looking attractive. These young girls are conditioned to believe that the only way to look pretty is to starve themselves so that they can achieve a ‘perfect figure’. Although there are many different types of eating disorders in the world, the biggest one of all for beauty pageants is anorexia. Anorexia is the third most common chronic illness among adolescents (Mirasol). Outside of eating disorders, anxiety and stress are common for participants. In a 2009 interview on Good Morning America, Brooke Breedwell, a pageant queen at the age of five, now twenty, explained there was a price to pay, Pageants have put a lot of stress and anxiety on my life I feel the need to be perfect at everything, and I know thats not realistic. You cant be perfect at everything. Brooke Breedwell also claimed her mother â€Å"pushed her too hard. † When a mother enters her daughter in a pageant she expects her to win. Most girls receive the ‘no other girl is your friend here’ speech, which cause them to be untruthful by offering fake smiles and false hugs around other participants. It also creates a distant form of interaction causing the females to be shallow, hyper-competitive adults who are never satisfied. The second kind of emotional damage young girls face is an uncharacteristically elevated ego for a teenage or even pre-teenage girl. When a female wins a pageant, she may conclude that she is better than everyone all of her peers. While some might believe it to be healthy to compete in pageants because it creates confidence and it builds character, it’s not. Pageants teach young girls that self worth is in physical beauty only. Parents encourage their daughters to compete in these competitions and do whatever it takes to win. In some cases, mothers try to live vicariously through their daughter, by entering their daughter in such competitions. This confuses many girls because they don’t know if their mother is their coach or their parent. With young girls participating in televised beauty it is hard to keep pedophiles away. Some pedophiles are driven out to live their fantasies and with young girls on air exploiting themselves it’s easy too. When girls participate they put on clothing that is meant to look ‘sexy’ and ‘inviting’. Girls prance along a stage in alluring clothing welcoming anyone to watch. Girls in pageants have yet to develop their own sense of self and are conditioned to be more pleasing to adults for attention and rewards. An entire television show is dedicated to young girl’s beauty pageants. Each week, viewers are able to watch little girls dress up in bikinis, mini dresses, and other revealing clothing that their mothers choose for them to wear. In conclusion, beauty pageants cause self-hatred and uncertainty of a female’s own body, which could create shallow adults who are never satisfied. Carleton Kendrick, a family therapist says, â€Å"†¦the hard fact remains they are called beauty pageants and they have been and always will be based on using arbitrary standards of ‘beauty’ to make one contestant better than all the rest† (Kendrick). Beauty pageants can cause eating disorders and unrealistic expectations of a female’s own body. Beauty pageants can also cause a female to self-hate if she doesn’t win, or enlarge an ego to an unhealthy level. Unfortunately, if a child participates in beauty pageants that may air on television, anyone can watch including pedophiles. Females should love their own bodies and not care how others judge them upon their appearance.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Essay --

Foods can supply carbohydrates in three different forms such as starch, sugar and cellulose (fiber). Starch as well as sugar are a big part and essential sources of energy for humans. Little amounts of carbohydrates in your daily eating habits would probably result in a lower number of calories in your diet. Although the tissues from the body need glucose all the time, your habits must contain some sort carbohydrates or substances which will pursuit glucose by digestion or also by metabolism. All things living require protein since it’s the major tissue builder and is a part of every cell in the body. Among other routinely habits, proteins helps to make hemoglobin in blood that carries oxygen to its cells also form anti-bodies that fight off infections and supply nitrogen and energy for DNA and RNA genetic material. Different kinds of Proteins are necessary for nutrition because they all contain amino acids. In between the 20 or more amino acids, the human body is unable to synthesize 8, these amino acids are called essential amino acids. Food containing protein can be have little biological value if it’s deficient in one or greater of the 8 essential amino acids they are lysine, tryptophan, leucine, methionine, isoleucine, valine, phenylalanine and threonine. Proteins that are of animal origin have the most biological value because they contain a higher amount of the normal amino acids. Fats are concentrated sources of energy because they give twice as much energy as either carbohydrates or protein. The functions of fats are to: make up part of the structure of cells, form a protective cushion and heat insulation around vital organs, carry fat soluble vitamins, and provide a reserve storage for energy. During periods of low foo... ...intestine wall, along with mucus and the digestive juices. Absorption takes place by simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion and active transport. Monosaccharides, amino acids, dipeptides and tripeptides are actively transported into the epithelial cells lining the wall. The fatty acids, glycerol and monoglycerides form complexes with bile salts called micelles. The micelles come into contact with epithelium cells and the fat-soluble fat components diffuse into the epithelium cell, leaving behind the fat insoluble bile salts. In the epithelium, the fatty acids and glycerol are reformed by the endoplasmic reticulum to make triglycerides. They are packaged into globules with cholesterol and phospholipids and then coated with protein to be passed out from the epithelial cell into the lacteal. Eventually these packages, called chylomicrons, are emptied into the blood.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Electoral College Should Be Revised Essay -- Argumentative Persuas

The Electoral College Should Be Revised As citizens of the United State of America, one of our most important rights is that of which to vote. By voting, the general population has a say in who its leaders are. Votes for local, state, and even federal representatives directly reflect who the constituents want in office. However, America’s highest office is not elected by a vote of the people. Instead we use a confusing and outdated system called the Electoral College. Our president is not elected by the people, but by 538 electors who can legally vote for whomever they choose. Several times in our nations history an elector has voted against the people’s will. Three presidents have been elected into office by the electoral college and not had the majority support of the nation. This phenomenon may very well happen again this year. This system needs to be changed. The highest office in our great nation needs to be elected by the people he/she is representing. The electoral college was developed by our founding fathers as a compromise between a president elected by Congress and one elected by the popular vote of the people. They feared that if the president was elected by Congress, he/she may feel some obligation to it. They also felt that the American people were not well enough informed and mature enough to elect their own leader. They finally decided on an Electoral College that today is made up of 538 electors from all 50 state and the District of Columbia. Each state is allotted a number of electors equal to its number of Representatives and Senators in Washington. The District of Columbia has a number of electors equal to that of the least populated state. As an example, California, our nation’s most populated state, h... ...t. This government is made of the people, for the people, and by the people. We need to have the ability to choose our own leader without the possibility of that decision getting manipulated. Sources Cited: Tom Curtis, "Making Sense of the Electoral College." [Internet, www], [viewed Nov. 6, 2000] "Frequently Asked Questions on the Electoral College." Prepared by The Office of the Federal Register. [Internet, www], [viewed Nov. 6, 2000] "Electoral College." 2000 United Republican Network. [Internet, www], .com. [viewed Nov. 6, 2000] Eric Wikman, "The Electoral College: Then, Now, and Tomorrow." [Internet, www], [viewed Nov. 6, 2000] Judy Cresanta, "The Electoral College: Crisis Avoided." [Internet, www], [viewed Nov. 6, 2000]

Friday, October 11, 2019

Qualitative Anion Tests Essay

Procedure 1. Before beginning, set up a data table similar to the Data Table: Qualitative Anion Tests in the Lab Report Assistant section. 2. Each anion tested will require the use of three separate test tubes. Complete all of the following tests on one solution, record your observations, and then thoroughly clean and dry the test tubes before beginning tests on the next solution. 3. After consecutively testing the identified anions, perform the same tests on the unknown solution to conclusively determine its identity. 4. First test tube: a. Put 8 drops of the anion to be tested in a clean small test tube. b. Add 8 drops of hydrochloric acid to the anion solution. Note the appearance of the solution plus any evolution of gas and odors of gas. 5. Second test tube: a. Put 8 drops of the anion solution in a second test tube. b. Add 3 drops of silver nitrate solution. c. Note the colors of any precipitates formed. d. Write a net ionic equation for any reaction that produces a precipitate. e. Acidify the test tube by adding a few drops of nitric acid. f. Mix well and note if the precipitate dissolves or remains. 6. Third test tube: Per the following, perform the appropriate confirmation test for this anion. NOTE: Where the following instructions call for â€Å"gently warming† a chemical place the test tube containing the chemical into a 50-mL beaker of hot tap water for a few minutes. ââ€"  Bromide (Br-) and Iodide (I-): (First make fresh chlorine water by combining in a graduated cylinder approximately 1ml of bleach, 5ml of tap water, and 6 drops of HCl; stir or shake. Then label an empty pipet and suck up this chlorine solution for use here.)To 10 drops of the test solution add 2 to 3 drops of the organic reagent (hexanes or similar) and several drops of chlorine water. Shake well and allow the lower layer to settle out. Note the color in the organic reagent layer. A brown or gold color indicates bromine and a reddish-violet or pink color indicates iodine. Carbonate(CO32-): Acidify 20 drops of the solution with 2 drops of HCl. Carbonates produce an odorless gas (CO2) which should produce a precipitate when bubbled through a saturated calcium hydroxide solution. For the purpose of this experiment you may distinguish this gas from hydrogen sulfide by its lack of odor (See sulfide test, S2-). ââ€"  Chloride (Cl-): To 6 drops of the test solution add 2 drops of AgN03, silver nitrate solution. A white precipitate that dissolves readily when the solution is made definitely basic with aqueous ammonium indicates the presence of the chloride ion. ââ€"  Phosphate(PO43-): Acidify 10 drops of the test solution with 1 drop of HNO3, nitric acid, and add 7 drops of ammonium molybdate solution (shake it well before using). Wait 30 seconds. The phosphate should produce a yellow precipitate. Gentle warming may be necessary to obtain the precipitate. ââ€"  Sulfate (SO4 2-): To 10 drops of the test solution add 5 drops of the BaCl2, barium chloride solution. A white precipitate that is insoluble in HCl indicates the presence of sulfate. ââ€"  Sulfide (S2-):Acidify 10 drops of the test solution with HCl. The odor of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) should be apparent (it smells like rotten eggs!). Warm the solution moderately and then hold a small piece of moist lead acetate paper at the mouth of the test tube. If the paper turns black (caused by PbS) this indicates the presence of sulfide. Thoroughly clean and dry the test tubes before beginning tests on the next solution. Cleanup: Tightly cap the bottle of silver nitrate solution and put it in the Experiment 11 bag so it will be easy to find when you need it for the next experiment. Flush any other remaining solutions down the drain with lots of water. Properly rinse all equipment used, then dry and store for future use. Data and Observation Data Table: Qualitative Anion Tests Name Test tube 1 w/HCI Test tube 2 w/AgNO3 w/HNO3 Test tube 3 Confirmation Bromide Gas and no smell Precipitate, didn’t dissolve Didn’t dissolve Iodine separated from Bromide Carbonate Gas and no smell Cloudy Precipitate Clear gas present Clear and no smell Chloride Gas and no smell, No precipitate Cloudy precipitate present Didn’t dissolve Dissolve with precipitate present Iodine Gas and no smell Precipitate, didn’t dissolve Didn’t dissolve Iodine separated from Bromide Phosphate Gas and no smell Cloudy and yellow precipitate present Dissolve Yellow with precipitate present Sulfate Gas and no smell Precipitate present Didn’t dissolve White precipitate present Sulfide Gas and clear Precipitate present Didn’t dissolve Had an odor with precipitate present. Turned Black Unknown No change No change White precipitate present Sulfate didn’t dissolve Questions: Group 1: Anions that WILL NOTPRECIPITATE in the presence of silver nitrate. Sulfate Group 2: Anions that WILL PRECIPITATE in the presence of silver nitrate and the resulting precipitates WILL DISSOLVE upon acidification with nitric acid. Carbonate, Phosphate Group 3: Anions that WILL PRECIPITATE in the presence of silver nitrate and the resulting precipitates WILL NOT DISSOLVE upon acidification with nitric acid. Bromide, Chloride, Iodide, Sulfide A. Write a net ionic equation for any reaction that produces a precipitate. Sodium Bromide: Ag+(aq) + Br-(aq) ( AgBr(s) Sodium Carbonate: 2Ag+(aq) + CO32-(aq) ( Ag2CO3(s) Sodium Chloride: Ag+(aq) + Cl-(aq) ( AgCl(s) Sodium Iodide: Ag+(aq) + I-(aq) ( AgI(s) Sodium Phosphate: Ag+(aq) + PO4-(aq) ( Ag3PO4(s) Sodium Sulfide: 2Ag+(aq) & S-2(aq) ( Ag2S(s) B. Identify the anions that produce gas upon addition of HCl. Carbonate, Sulfide C. Identify the anions that do not precipitate with silver nitrate. Sulfate D. Identify the anions that react with silver nitrate to form precipitates that dissolve when acidified with nitric acid. Carbonate, Phosphate E. Identify the anions that react with silver nitrate to form precipitates that do not dissolve when acidified with nitric acid. Bromide, Chloride, Iodide, Sulfide F. What simple test (other than a specific confirmation test) would distinguish between CO3 2-and NO- ? Add Barium Chloride. If there is CO32- a white precipitate of BaCO3 will appear. Conclusions: Through this experiment, I learned how to identify commonly occurring anions. I also learned how to use the characteristics of their reactions with HCl and AgNO3 to identify an unknown solution. Using my observations with the different anion mixtures, I was able to identify the Unknown anion to be Sodium Sulfate. I figured this out because when HCl was added, no gas was formed. This ruled out Sodium Carbonate and Sodium Sulfide. The gas I observed for the Sodium Carbonate & Sulfide was very subtle. Even then I was not 100% sure. This is where I think there could have been room for error because I did not read the results correctly, therefore possibly interfering  with my unknown. However, the unknown did not form a precipitate and there was only one other anion that did this.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Elizabeth Bishop’s Poetry

Elizabeth Bishop poses interesting questions delivered by means of a unique style. Do you agree? Focus on themes and stylistic features. In my opinion, Elizabeth Bishop has a unique style of asking interesting questions. Bishop invites us along on the journey with her. She does this by her â€Å"painterly eye† which she has been praised for. In her poems she takes the ordinary and turns it into the extraordinary. As a reader, I wonder why she goes into so much detail. There is a story behind each of her poems. Her poems â€Å"First Death in Nova Scotia† and â€Å"In the Waiting Room† are about childhood experiences. She uses great detail in her poems and we feel like we are apart of it. This can be clearly seen in Bishop’s poem â€Å"The Fish†. â€Å"The Fish† is an example of where Bishop turns something so plain into the extraordinary. She takes fishing and turns it into a seventy-six-line poem. This poem recalls a time when Bishop went fish in a rented boat. Bishop makes a clear statement in the opening line of the poem, â€Å"I caught a tremendous fish†. The adjective tremendous is very effective, I feel. In the first four lines, Bishop stated how she caught a huge fish and stared at it beside her boat. She didn’t haul the fish into her boat. I question why she didn’t bring it straight on board. Bishop’s delight in catching the fish soon gives way to an emotional involvement with the fish. She compares his eyes to her own and she notes that the irises are â€Å"backed and packed with tarnished tinfoil†. The image is emphasized by assonance and alliteration. It was a big personal achievement to catch the huge fish. Bishop began to enjoy her triumph. It was a big moment for her. She imagined that her feeling of victory filled up the rented boat. Meanwhile, the big fish was still partly in the water. Then she did something unusual. She released the fish she had caught: ‘And I let the fish go’. I wonder why she had mercy on the fish and decided to let it go. â€Å"Filling Station† is another clear example of Bishop turning the ordinary into the extraordinary. In this poem Bishop is writing about a family petrol station. The voice in the poem is that of an outsider. The compound words â€Å"oil-soaked† and â€Å"oil-permeated† give us a clear vision of this petrol station. I wonder why Bishop is there in the first place. We become fascinated with the place. In verse two, the speaker sees the family. The image of everything covered in oil is continued. Alliteration is used to describe the sons, â€Å"several quick and saucy and greasy sons assist†, this suggests they have an oily appearance. The speaker begins to wonder if anyone lives here, â€Å"Do they live in the station? †. Bishop looks for and finds evidence of the female touch in verses four and five. We begin to see that there is beauty and love in the most unlikely places. In this male-dominated world, there is care to attention and detail with the mention of â€Å"daisy stitch†. In the final verse the repetition of â€Å"somebody† highlights the importance of the mother. The poem ends with the assurance that everybody is loved and worthy of love. Bishop recalls a childhood experience in her poem â€Å"In the Waiting Room†. This poem is similar to â€Å"First Death in Nova Scotia† as both have a theme of childhood innocence in them†. Perhaps the most immediately striking feature of Bishop's work is its child narrator describing the seemingly innocuous event of waiting at the dentist's office while her aunt is in the patient's room. In this setting, the memory revolves around the narrator reading a  National Geographic  magazine. Bishop writes in uncomplicated, declarative language like â€Å"It was winter. It got dark / early. † that mirrors her age at the time. The poem takes an interesting direction as the child-speaker sees herself as a young woman: â€Å"What took me / completely by surprise / was that it was me: / my voice, in my mouth†. Aunt Consuelo’s cry becomes the speaker’s own cry. The woman and the girl merge into one in a surreal leap of the imagination â€Å"I – we – were falling, falling†. This poem makes us question what it means to be a woman. In â€Å"First Death in Nova Scotia† Bishop presents an extraordinarily vivid memory of a disturbing personal experience. It is winter in Nova Scotia. The dead child has been laid out in a â€Å"cold, cold parlour†. As in â€Å"In the Waiting Room† the voice in this poem is that of a child-speaker.